Missouri State Teacher Association (MSTA) is a state teachers association that serves more than 46,000 educators in the U.S. state of Missouri and is dedicated to educating the state's children. The headquarters is located in Columbia, Missouri in the Missouri State Teachers Association Building, which is on the National Register of Historic Places.
On May 23, 1856, 110 men and women from 22 Missouri counties met in Wyman's Hall St. Louis, Missouri in St. Louis to form an organization that would “unite the different members, advancing their mutual improvement, and elevating the profession to its just intellectual and moral influence on the community.” The individuals at that St. Louis meeting became the founders of the Missouri State Teachers Association, a professional association for Missouri educators. To quote the first constitution, the group's purpose was “to promote the sacred interests of education by uniting the different members advancing their mutual improvement, and elevating the profession to its just intellectual and moral influence on the community.”
Membership was open to teachers and others actively engaged in promoting the interests of education.
Two significant events occurred in 1857. First, an agent was employed to represent the organization; this position became known as executive secretary in 1915 and was later changed to executive director. Second, a publication called The Missouri Journal for Education was printed and distributed. It was changed to The Missouri Educator for a few years. These publications were the forerunners of School and Community magazine, which became a monthly periodical in 1920 and is still published quarterly today.
MSTA found its political voice quickly by successfully lobbying the 1870 Missouri legislature to approve funds for teacher colleges in Kirksville and Warrensburg.
MSTA initiated the Reading Circle program in 1892 to encourage students of all ages to read.
Since its founding, MSTA has been involved with nearly every piece of significant education legislation in Missouri. In fact, many times, the original legislation was drafted at MSTA headquarters. MSTA helped pass a teacher retirement system first in St. Louis in 1943 and then statewide in 1945.
In 1991, MSTA participated in a lawsuit challenging equity in the Foundation Formula. The association supported the 1993 Outstanding Schools Act, which included a new foundation formula, funding increase and required minimum salary for teachers with a master's and 10 years of service.
The association was divided into four auxiliary associations in 1878 and eight territorial divisions in 1917. Today, MSTA encompasses 10 regions. Each region has a governing body and elects members to the state Executive Board. Representation is proportional to membership.
1900 was the year that the organization became incorporated and underwent a name change to become known as the Missouri State Teachers Association. This began our existence as a corporate body, and we continue to maintain a not-for-profit status today.
MSTA has had many important successes in the Missouri Legislature. Victories include a minimum school term, compulsory school attendance, state board of education, child labor laws, free textbooks, school consolidation, equal educational opportunities for all children, transportation for students, the teacher retirement system, school bus safety laws, the school foundation program, a code of professional ethics, and a revised Missouri Constitution that included sections on education and taxation, especially school levies.
In its efforts to protect the interests of education and educators through the years, MSTA has also participated in many court cases. Suits were initiated concerning diversion of state taxes, reduction of state school funds, securing a share of insurance fines, the governor's veto of school appropriations, discipline of students by teachers, constitutionality of a majority vote, and constitutionality of the state cigarette tax. More recently MSTA participated in suits relating to the equality of a revised foundation formula, collection of retirement contributions on fringe benefits, and funding cuts of state school appropriations.
The headquarters building was built in 1927 in Columbia and has the distinction of being the first building built by and for a state teachers' organization in the United States. [1] It resembles an English manor house with steep gables, skylights, wooden paneling, leaded glass windows, and carved fireplaces and entry way. The building was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980. Members are welcome there whenever they visit Columbia. The headquarters staff began to grow in 1938 with the addition of an assistant secretary. This growth continued, and today the staff consists of 27 professionals and 25 support staff at headquarters and in our regional offices located throughout the state.
Until 1972 MSTA was a part of the National Education Association — in fact, they were one of its founding organizations. Two major factors — basic differences in philosophy and NEA's unification policy — contributed to the disaffiliation with NEA. NEA's insistence that CTAs, MSTA districts, and the state organization unify with NEA into one dues-structured organization led the Assembly of Delegates to vote in 1972 to remain independent so that every Missouri educator would have the choice of whether or not to join a professional association instead of a union.
Other MSTA victories include:
More than a century and a half later after its founding, MSTA has grown to be Missouri's largest teacher association. With more than 45,000 members, MSTA is also one of the largest independent teacher associations in the United States.
The National Education Association (NEA) is the largest labor union and the largest white-collar representative in the United States. It represents public school teachers and other support personnel, faculty and staffers at colleges and universities, retired educators, and college students preparing to become teachers. The NEA has just under 3 million members and is headquartered in Washington, D.C. The NEA had a budget of more than $341 million for the 2012–2013 fiscal year. Becky Pringle is the NEA's current president.
Education Minnesota is an American trade union representing pre-K to 12 education teachers, school support staff and higher education faculty in Minnesota. It is affiliated with both the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), and is affiliated with the AFL-CIO.
New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) is a 600,000-member New York state teachers union, affiliated since 2006 with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the AFL-CIO, and the National Education Association (NEA). NYSUT is an umbrella group which provides services to local affiliates in New York state; lobbies on the local, state and federal level; conducts research; and organizes new members.
The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) was a professional accreditor focused on accrediting teacher education programs in U.S. colleges and universities. It was founded in 1954 and was recognized as an accreditor by the U.S. Department of Education.
The California School Employees Association, AFL-CIO (CSEA) is the largest classified school employees labor union in the United States. CSEA represents more than 230,000 public employees in California.
The Florida Education Association (FEA) is a statewide federation of teacher and education workers' labor unions in the state of Florida in the United States. Its 145,000 members make it the largest union in the state. It is a merged affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA), and is a member of the AFL-CIO.
The Florida statewide teachers' strike of 1968 was a strike action in the state of Florida in February and March 1968 by teachers and other education workers belonging to the Florida Education Association (FEA). The cause of the strike was under-funding of the state's educational system at a time when attendance was rising sharply, and low pay and benefits for teachers. The strike lasted from a few days in some school districts to three months in others. Although a special session of the Florida Legislature approved higher taxes to pay for more school funding, FEA members felt the funding hikes were not enough and voted to continue striking. No additional funding was forthcoming, however, and most local affiliates of the FEA settled their contracts and went back to work by March.
Association of American Educators (AAE) is a national, non-union, non-partisan professional educators association in the United States and is the fastest-growing association of its kind. Its stated mission is to “advance the profession through personal growth, professional development, teacher advocacy and protection.” AAE also seeks to “promote excellence in education so that [teachers] receive the respect, recognition and reward they deserve.” AAE is officially nonpartisan. AAE is not a union or a lobbying organization, but licensed as a 501(c)(6) professional trade association. AAE is funded by dues from thousands of members located in all fifty states and the District of Columbia and by contributions to the AAE Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. AAE claims to “help lead a coalition of nearly 300,000 teachers across the country who have joined a non-union teacher association.”
The National Rural Education Association (NREA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the interests of schools and educators in rural and sparsely-populated areas of the United States. The NREA is a membership organization that operates as a tax-exempt, non-profit entity. It is directed by an elected executive committee consisting of national representatives of rural school administrators, rural school teachers, state education agencies, educational service agencies, higher education, rural district school boards, and at-large constituencies. The NREA has approximately 8,000 voting and non-voting members from all 50 states.
The Educators Rising, a division of Phi Delta Kappa International (PDK), is a professional organization that supports students who are interested in education-related careers. Through affiliation with local chapters that are registered with the international office, prospective educators have access to scholarship opportunities, as well as age appropriate materials and activities, including a national conference, that help them gain a realistic understanding of the role of the teacher. As the only national pre-collegiate program for prospective teachers, Educators Rising helps students develop the strong leadership traits that are found in high-quality educators.
The National Association for Music Education (NAfME) is an organization of American music educators dedicated to advancing and preserving music education as part of the core curriculum of schools in the United States. Founded in 1907 as the Music Supervisors National Conference (MSNC), the organization was known from 1934 to 1998 as the Music Educators National Conference. From 1998 to 2011 it was known as "MENC: The National Association for Music Education." On September 1, 2011, the organization changed its acronym from MENC to NAfME. On March 8, 2012, the organization's name legally became National Association for Music Education, using the acronym "NAfME". It has approximately 45,000 members, and NAfME's headquarters are located in Reston, Virginia.
Lily Eskelsen García is an American teacher and labor union leader. As president of the 3 million-member National Education Association, she led the largest union in the United States from 2014 to 2020.
Texas State Teachers Association, or TSTA, is the oldest education organization in Texas, affiliated with the National Education Association (NEA). TSTA is led by a full-time state president and vice president, a Board of Directors, and a democratically elected House of Delegates.
The Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois is an American state government agency dealing with pensions and other financial benefits for teachers and other workers in education in Illinois.
Grace C. Bibb (1842–1912) was a feminist and philosopher. She was part of the push for equality between the sexes, as well as an advocate for women's rights, access to higher education, expansion in employment opportunities, a right to equal pay, and a woman's right to vote. She was appointed Dean at the Normal school despite the fact that women were not at that time allowed to attend the College. In her position at the Normal school, Bibb pushed that women be allowed into the College of Education. She later pushed for women to be allowed into all other University departments.
The Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES) was an extension agency within the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), part of the executive branch of the federal government. The 1994 Department Reorganization Act, passed by Congress, created CSREES by combining the former Cooperative State Research Service and the Extension Service into a single agency.
The Korean Federation of Teachers' Associations is the largest and most traditional professional organization and teachers' union in South Korea, with more than 170,000 members. It means 40% of the Korean educators are KFTA's members. The KFTA member is composed of school teachers, college professors, and perspective teachers.
The organization was first launched in 1947 as the Chosun Education Association one year before the establishment of the Korean government. Ever since then, the organization's main objectives are to accomplish quality public education and teacher's professionalism.
The New York State Teachers Association (NYSTA) was an association of teachers in the state of New York, United States, founded in 1845. It assisted teachers in their professional career, provided a public voice for its members on subjects such as pay and tenure, and promoted improvements to the public school system in the state. In 1973 it joined with the United Teachers of New York to form the New York State United Teachers.
Kate Frank was a Missouri-born, Oklahoma teacher who taught for nearly 50 years. She was instrumental in the founding of the Oklahoma Education Association, served as its first president, and later, donated the initial monies for the trust that became a legal defense fund for educators. She served as vice president of the National Education Association in the 1940s and was the first national Retired Teacher of the Year recipient. Honored by many awards, she was inducted into the Oklahoma Women's Hall of Fame in 1983.