Moko (mythology)

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In the mythology of Mangaia in the Cook Islands, Moko is a wily character and grandfather of the heroic Ngaru. [1]

Moko is a ruler or king of the lizards, and he orders his lizard subjects to climb into the basket of the sky demon Amai-te-rangi to spy on him. When Amai-te-rangi pulls up his basket, he is disappointed to find it full of miserable little reptiles, which escape and overrun his home in the sky. [2]

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  1. Michael P. J. Reilly (2015). "NGARU: A CULTURE HERO OF MANGAIA" (PDF). Journal of the Polynesian Society. 124 (2): 147-187. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2018-02-12. Retrieved 2 September 2020.
    • W.W. Gill, Myths and Songs from the South Pacific (H.S. King: London, 1876)