Monk is an English surname.
Archer is a surname in the English language.
Jennings is a surname of early medieval English origin. Notable people with the surname include:
Beckett is an English surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Lewis is a surname in the English language. It has several independent origins.
Bailey is an English or Scottish surname. It is first recorded in Northumberland, where it was said to have been changed from Balliol due to the unpopularity of Scottish king John Balliol. There appears to be no historical evidence for this, and Bain concludes that the earliest form was Baillie or Bailli . The origin of the name is most likely from Anglo-Norman bailli, the equivalent of bailiff; bailie remains a regional Scottish variant of the term bailiff. Alternatively, it has been suggested that the Norman name may have been locational, derived from Bailleul-En-Vimeu in Normandy.
Allen is a Celtic surname, originating in Ireland, and common in Scotland, Wales and England. It is a variation of the surname MacAllen and may be derived from two separate sources: Ailin, in Irish and Scottish Gaelic, means both "little rock" and "harmony", or it may also be derived from the Celtic Aluinn, which means "handsome". Variant spellings include Alan, Allan, etc. The noble family of this surname, from which a branch went to Portugal, is descended of one Alanus de Buckenhall.
Emerson is an English surname derived from Anglo-Saxon Emars sunu, meaning "Emar's son" or "Ethelmar's son". Another origin has been suggested as starting with the Old French epic hero Aimeri de Narbonne which passed into Italian as Amerigo and subsequently into English as Emery, Amery, and Imray, among others; Emerson is thought to derived as a patronymic from Emery.
Holt is a surname.
Massey is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Sharpe is a surname. Notable people with the name include:
Willis is a surname of English, Norman French, and Scottish origin. The oldest extant family of the name, the Willes family of Warwickshire, formerly of Newbold Comyn and Fenny Compton, has used the spellings 'Willis,' 'Willys,' and 'Wyllys' and appear in records from 1330. In this case, the name derives from the name de Welles which comes from the Norman name de Vallibus, which in turn was derived from the Vaux family tree. The Vaux family, established in England by Harold de Vaux, a close relative of William the Conqueror, appears in French records from 794. They had held power in their own right and through royal intermarriages.
Dawson is a British surname. Notable persons with the surname include:
Wilkins is a surname.
Robertson is a patronymic surname, meaning "son of Robert". It originated in Scotland and northern England. Notable people and companies with the surname include:
Bull is a surname.
Rowe is a surname; it has also been used as the name for several places. It is of Norman origin, Rous or Le Roux', from the French rouge "red." It has strong links to northern France and Cornwall, where it remains a common surname to this day. It first appeared in England in 1066 after the Norman Invasion, when lands were granted by the first Norman King William I to Turchil Le Roux and Alan Rufus.
Webb is an English and Scottish surname meaning weaver of cloth.
Dyson is an English surname. Notable people with the surname include: