Montessori school (disambiguation)

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A Montessori school uses a teaching method encouraging autodidacticism.

Montessori school may also refer to:

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Montessori education Teaching method encouraging autodidacticism

The Montessori method of education was developed by Italian physician Maria Montessori. Emphasizing independence, it views children as naturally eager for knowledge and capable of initiating learning in a sufficiently supportive and well-prepared learning environment. It discourages some conventional measures of achievement, such as grades and tests. Montessori developed her theories in the early 1900s through scientific experimentation with her students; the method has since been used in many parts of the world, in public and private schools alike.

MLA may refer to:

Montessori may refer to:

RIMS may refer to:

ISMS may refer to:

Cædmon is the earliest English poet whose name is known.

Maria Montessori 19th- and 20th-century Italian pedagogue, philosopher and physician

Maria Tecla Artemisia Montessori was an Italian physician and educator best known for the philosophy of education that bears her name, and her writing on scientific pedagogy. At an early age, Montessori enrolled in classes at an all-boys technical school, with hopes of becoming an engineer. She soon had a change of heart and began medical school at the Sapienza University of Rome, where she graduated with honors in 1896. Her educational method is in use today in many public and private schools globally.

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