In axiomatic set theory, a mathematical discipline, a morass is an infinite combinatorial structure, used to create "large" structures from a "small" number of "small" approximations. They were invented by Ronald Jensen for his proof that cardinal transfer theorems hold under the axiom of constructibility. A far less complex but equivalent variant known as a simplified morass was introduced by Velleman, and the term morass is now often used to mean these simpler structures.
Whilst it is possible to define so-called gap-n morasses for n > 1, they are so complex that focus is usually restricted to the gap-1 case, except for specific applications. The "gap" is essentially the cardinal difference between the size of the "small approximations" used and the size of the ultimate structure.
A (gap-1) morass on an uncountable regular cardinal κ (also called a (κ,1)-morass) consists of a tree of height κ + 1, with the top level having κ+-many nodes. The nodes are taken to be ordinals, and functions π between these ordinals are associated to the edges in the tree order. It is required that the ordinal structure of the top level nodes be "built up" as the direct limit of the ordinals in the branch to that node by the maps π, so the lower level nodes can be thought of as approximations to the (larger) top level node. A long list of further axioms is imposed to have this happen in a particularly "nice" way. [1] [2]
Velleman [2] and Shelah and Stanley [3] independently developed forcing axioms equivalent to the existence of morasses, to facilitate their use by non-experts. Going further, Velleman [4] showed that the existence of morasses is equivalent to simplified morasses, which are vastly simpler structures. However, the only known construction of a simplified morass in Gödel's constructible universe is by means of morasses, so the original notion retains interest.
Other variants on morasses, generally with added structure, have also appeared over the years. These include universal morasses, [5] whereby every subset of κ is built up through the branches of the morass, mangroves, [6] which are morasses stratified into levels (mangals) at which every branch must have a node, and quagmires. [7]
Velleman [8] defined gap-1 simplified morasses which are much simpler than gap-1 morasses, and showed that the existence of gap-1 morasses is equivalent to the existence of gap-1 simplified morasses.
Roughly speaking: a (κ,1)-simplified morassM = < φ→, F⇒ > contains a sequence φ→ = < φβ : β ≤ κ > of ordinals such that φβ < κ for β < κ and φκ = κ+, and a double sequence F⇒ = < Fα,β : α < β ≤ κ > where Fα,β are collections of monotone mappings from φα to φβ for α < β ≤ κ with specific (easy but important) conditions.
Velleman's clear definition can be found in, [9] where he also constructed (ω0,1) simplified morasses in ZFC. In [10] he gave similar simple definitions for gap-2 simplified morasses, and in [11] he constructed (ω0,2) simplified morasses in ZFC.
Higher gap simplified morasses for any n ≥ 1 were defined by Morgan [12] and Szalkai. [13] [14]
Roughly speaking: a (κ,n + 1)-simplified morass (of Szalkai) M = < M→, F⇒ > contains a sequence M→ = < Mβ : β ≤ κ > of (< κ,n)-simplified morass-like structures for β < κ and Mκ a (κ+,n) -simplified morass, and a double sequence F⇒ = < Fα,β : α < β ≤ κ > where Fα,β are collections of mappings from Mα to Mβ for α < β ≤ κ with specific conditions.
In mathematics, specifically set theory, the continuum hypothesis is a hypothesis about the possible sizes of infinite sets. It states that
there is no set whose cardinality is strictly between that of the integers and the real numbers,
Freiling's axiom of symmetry is a set-theoretic axiom proposed by Chris Freiling. It is based on intuition of Stuart Davidson but the mathematics behind it goes back to Wacław Sierpiński.
In set theory, an uncountable cardinal is inaccessible if it cannot be obtained from smaller cardinals by the usual operations of cardinal arithmetic. More precisely, a cardinal κ is strongly inaccessible if it satisfies the following three conditions: it is uncountable, it is not a sum of fewer than κ cardinals smaller than κ, and implies .
In mathematics, a Mahlo cardinal is a certain kind of large cardinal number. Mahlo cardinals were first described by Paul Mahlo. As with all large cardinals, none of these varieties of Mahlo cardinals can be proven to exist by ZFC.
In mathematics, particularly in set theory, the aleph numbers are a sequence of numbers used to represent the cardinality of infinite sets that can be well-ordered. They were introduced by the mathematician Georg Cantor and are named after the symbol he used to denote them, the Hebrew letter aleph.
In mathematics, subtle cardinals and ethereal cardinals are closely related kinds of large cardinal number.
In mathematics, in set theory, the constructible universe, denoted by , is a particular class of sets that can be described entirely in terms of simpler sets. is the union of the constructible hierarchy. It was introduced by Kurt Gödel in his 1938 paper "The Consistency of the Axiom of Choice and of the Generalized Continuum-Hypothesis". In this paper, he proved that the constructible universe is an inner model of ZF set theory, and also that the axiom of choice and the generalized continuum hypothesis are true in the constructible universe. This shows that both propositions are consistent with the basic axioms of set theory, if ZF itself is consistent. Since many other theorems only hold in systems in which one or both of the propositions is true, their consistency is an important result.
In the mathematical field of set theory, a large cardinal property is a certain kind of property of transfinite cardinal numbers. Cardinals with such properties are, as the name suggests, generally very "large". The proposition that such cardinals exist cannot be proved in the most common axiomatization of set theory, namely ZFC, and such propositions can be viewed as ways of measuring how "much", beyond ZFC, one needs to assume to be able to prove certain desired results. In other words, they can be seen, in Dana Scott's phrase, as quantifying the fact "that if you want more you have to assume more".
In set theory and related branches of mathematics, the von Neumann universe, or von Neumann hierarchy of sets, denoted by V, is the class of hereditary well-founded sets. This collection, which is formalized by Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory (ZFC), is often used to provide an interpretation or motivation of the axioms of ZFC. The concept is named after John von Neumann, although it was first published by Ernst Zermelo in 1930.
In mathematics, and particularly in axiomatic set theory, the diamond principle◊ is a combinatorial principle introduced by Ronald Jensen in Jensen (1972) that holds in the constructible universe and that implies the continuum hypothesis. Jensen extracted the diamond principle from his proof that the axiom of constructibility implies the existence of a Suslin tree.
In mathematical logic, New Foundations (NF) is an axiomatic set theory, conceived by Willard Van Orman Quine as a simplification of the theory of types of Principia Mathematica. Quine first proposed NF in a 1937 article titled "New Foundations for Mathematical Logic"; hence the name. Much of this entry discusses NF with urelements (NFU), an important variant of NF due to Jensen and clarified by Holmes. In 1940 and in a revision in 1951, Quine introduced an extension of NF sometimes called "Mathematical Logic" or "ML", that included proper classes as well as sets.
In set theory, a branch of mathematics, a Reinhardt cardinal is a kind of large cardinal. Reinhardt cardinals are considered under ZF, because they are inconsistent with ZFC. They were suggested by American mathematician William Nelson Reinhardt (1939–1998).
In set theory, the axiom of limitation of size was proposed by John von Neumann in his 1925 axiom system for sets and classes. It formalizes the limitation of size principle, which avoids the paradoxes encountered in earlier formulations of set theory by recognizing that some classes are too big to be sets. Von Neumann realized that the paradoxes are caused by permitting these big classes to be members of a class. A class that is a member of a class is a set; a class that is not a set is a proper class. Every class is a subclass of V, the class of all sets. The axiom of limitation of size says that a class is a set if and only if it is smaller than V—that is, there is no function mapping it onto V. Usually, this axiom is stated in the equivalent form: A class is a proper class if and only if there is a function that maps it onto V.
In set theory, a Kurepa tree is a tree (T, <) of height ω1, each of whose levels is countable, and has at least ℵ2 many branches. This concept was introduced by Kurepa (1935). The existence of a Kurepa tree (known as the Kurepa hypothesis, though Kurepa originally conjectured that this was false) is consistent with the axioms of ZFC: Solovay showed in unpublished work that there are Kurepa trees in Gödel's constructible universe (Jech 1971). More precisely, the existence of Kurepa trees follows from the diamond plus principle, which holds in the constructible universe. On the other hand, Silver (1971) showed that if a strongly inaccessible cardinal is Lévy collapsed to ω2 then, in the resulting model, there are no Kurepa trees. The existence of an inaccessible cardinal is in fact equiconsistent with the failure of the Kurepa hypothesis, because if the Kurepa hypothesis is false then the cardinal ω2 is inaccessible in the constructible universe.
In set theory, an Aronszajn tree is a tree of uncountable height with no uncountable branches and no uncountable levels. For example, every Suslin tree is an Aronszajn tree. More generally, for a cardinal κ, a κ-Aronszajn tree is a tree of height κ in which all levels have size less than κ and all branches have height less than κ. They are named for Nachman Aronszajn, who constructed an Aronszajn tree in 1934; his construction was described by Kurepa (1935).
In set theory and mathematical logic, the Lévy hierarchy, introduced by Azriel Lévy in 1965, is a hierarchy of formulas in the formal language of the Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory, which is typically called just the language of set theory. This is analogous to the arithmetical hierarchy, which provides a similar classification for sentences of the language of arithmetic.
In the mathematical field of set theory, the Solovay model is a model constructed by Robert M. Solovay (1970) in which all of the axioms of Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory (ZF) hold, exclusive of the axiom of choice, but in which all sets of real numbers are Lebesgue measurable. The construction relies on the existence of an inaccessible cardinal.
The open coloring axiom is an axiom about coloring edges of a graph whose vertices are a subset of the real numbers: two different versions were introduced by Abraham, Rubin & Shelah (1985) and by Todorčević (1989).
This is a glossary of set theory.