In mathematics, a Mordellic variety is an algebraic variety which has only finitely many points in any finitely generated field. The terminology was introduced by Serge Lang to enunciate a range of conjectures linking the geometry of varieties to their Diophantine properties.
Formally, let X be a variety defined over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero: hence X is defined over a finitely generated field E. If the set of points X(F) is finite for any finitely generated field extension F of E, then X is Mordellic.
The special set for a projective variety V is the Zariski closure of the union of the images of all non-trivial maps from algebraic groups into V. Lang conjectured that the complement of the special set is Mordellic.
A variety is algebraically hyperbolic if the special set is empty. Lang conjectured that a variety X is Mordellic if and only if X is algebraically hyperbolic and that this is turn equivalent to X being pseudo-canonical.
For a complex algebraic variety X we similarly define the analytic special or exceptional set as the Zariski closure of the union of images of non-trivial holomorphic maps from C to X. Brody's definition of a hyperbolic variety is that there are no such maps. Again, Lang conjectured that a hyperbolic variety is Mordellic and more generally that the complement of the analytic special set is Mordellic.
Algebraic geometry is a branch of mathematics, classically studying zeros of multivariate polynomials. Modern algebraic geometry is based on the use of abstract algebraic techniques, mainly from commutative algebra, for solving geometrical problems about these sets of zeros.
In arithmetic geometry, the Mordell conjecture is the conjecture made by Mordell (1922) that a curve of genus greater than 1 over the field Q of rational numbers has only finitely many rational points. In 1983 it was proved by Gerd Faltings, and is now known as Faltings's theorem. The conjecture was later generalized by replacing Q by any number field.
In algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, the Zariski topology is a topology on algebraic varieties, introduced primarily by Oscar Zariski and later generalized for making the set of prime ideals of a commutative ring a topological space, called the spectrum of the ring.
Algebraic varieties are the central objects of study in algebraic geometry, a sub-field of mathematics. Classically, an algebraic variety is defined as the set of solutions of a system of polynomial equations over the real or complex numbers. Modern definitions generalize this concept in several different ways, while attempting to preserve the geometric intuition behind the original definition.
In mathematics, Diophantine geometry is the study of points of algebraic varieties with coordinates in the integers, rational numbers, and their generalizations. These generalizations typically are fields that are not algebraically closed, such as number fields, finite fields, function fields, and p-adic fields. It is a sub-branch of arithmetic geometry and is one approach to the theory of Diophantine equations, formulating questions about such equations in terms of algebraic geometry.
Serge Lang was a French-American mathematician and activist who taught at Yale University for most of his career. He is known for his work in number theory and for his mathematics textbooks, including the influential Algebra. He received the Frank Nelson Cole Prize in 1960 and was a member of the Bourbaki group.
In mathematics, arithmetic geometry is roughly the application of techniques from algebraic geometry to problems in number theory. Arithmetic geometry is centered around Diophantine geometry, the study of rational points of algebraic varieties.
In mathematics, a field F is called quasi-algebraically closed (or C1) if every non-constant homogeneous polynomial P over F has a non-trivial zero provided the number of its variables is more than its degree. The idea of quasi-algebraically closed fields was investigated by C. C. Tsen, a student of Emmy Noether, in a 1936 paper (Tsen 1936); and later by Serge Lang in his 1951 Princeton University dissertation and in his 1952 paper (Lang 1952). The idea itself is attributed to Lang's advisor Emil Artin.
In number theory and algebraic geometry, a rational point of an algebraic variety is a point whose coordinates belong to a given field. If the field is not mentioned, the field of rational numbers is generally understood. If the field is the field of real numbers, a rational point is more commonly called a real point.
This is a glossary of arithmetic and diophantine geometry in mathematics, areas growing out of the traditional study of Diophantine equations to encompass large parts of number theory and algebraic geometry. Much of the theory is in the form of proposed conjectures, which can be related at various levels of generality.
A height function is a function that quantifies the complexity of mathematical objects. In Diophantine geometry, height functions quantify the size of solutions to Diophantine equations and are typically functions from a set of points on algebraic varieties to the real numbers.
In arithmetic geometry, the Bombieri–Lang conjecture is an unsolved problem conjectured by Enrico Bombieri and Serge Lang about the Zariski density of the set of rational points of an algebraic variety of general type.
In mathematics, a thin set in the sense of Serre, named after Jean-Pierre Serre, is a certain kind of subset constructed in algebraic geometry over a given field K, by allowed operations that are in a definite sense 'unlikely'. The two fundamental ones are: solving a polynomial equation that may or may not be the case; solving within K a polynomial that does not always factorise. One is also allowed to take finite unions.
Arithmetic dynamics is a field that amalgamates two areas of mathematics, dynamical systems and number theory. Classically, discrete dynamics refers to the study of the iteration of self-maps of the complex plane or real line. Arithmetic dynamics is the study of the number-theoretic properties of integer, rational, p-adic, and/or algebraic points under repeated application of a polynomial or rational function. A fundamental goal is to describe arithmetic properties in terms of underlying geometric structures.
In mathematics, in the field of algebraic number theory, an S-unit generalises the idea of unit of the ring of integers of the field. Many of the results which hold for units are also valid for S-units.
In mathematics, the Bogomolov conjecture is a conjecture, named after Fedor Bogomolov, in arithmetic geometry about algebraic curves that generalizes the Manin-Mumford conjecture in arithmetic geometry. The conjecture was proved by Emmanuel Ullmo and Shou-Wu Zhang in 1998. A further generalization to general abelian varieties was also proved by Zhang in 1998.
In arithmetic geometry, the Tate–Shafarevich groupШ(A/K), introduced by Serge Lang and John Tate (1958) and Igor Shafarevich (1959), of an abelian variety A (or more generally a group scheme) defined over a number field K consists of the elements of the Weil–Châtelet group WC(A/K) = H1(GK, A) that become trivial in all of the completions of K (i.e. the p-adic fields obtained from K, as well as its real and complex completions). Thus, in terms of Galois cohomology, it can be written as
In mathematics and especially complex geometry, the Kobayashi metric is a pseudometric intrinsically associated to any complex manifold. It was introduced by Shoshichi Kobayashi in 1967. Kobayashi hyperbolic manifolds are an important class of complex manifolds, defined by the property that the Kobayashi pseudometric is a metric. Kobayashi hyperbolicity of a complex manifold X implies that every holomorphic map from the complex line C to X is constant.
In mathematics, Vojta's conjecture is a conjecture introduced by Paul Vojta (1987) about heights of points on algebraic varieties over number fields. The conjecture was motivated by an analogy between diophantine approximation and Nevanlinna theory in complex analysis. It implies many other conjectures in Diophantine approximation, Diophantine equations, arithmetic geometry, and mathematical logic.
In mathematics, the height zeta function of an algebraic variety or more generally a subset of a variety encodes the distribution of points of given height.