Algebraic structure → Group theory Group theory |
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In mathematics, an algebraic group is an algebraic variety endowed with a group structure that is compatible with its structure as an algebraic variety. Thus the study of algebraic groups belongs both to algebraic geometry and group theory.
Many groups of geometric transformations are algebraic groups; for example, orthogonal groups, general linear groups, projective groups, Euclidean groups, etc. Many matrix groups are also algebraic. Other algebraic groups occur naturally in algebraic geometry, such as elliptic curves and Jacobian varieties.
An important class of algebraic groups is given by the affine algebraic groups, those whose underlying algebraic variety is an affine variety; they are exactly the algebraic subgroups of the general linear group, and are therefore also called linear algebraic groups. [1] Another class is formed by the abelian varieties, which are the algebraic groups whose underlying variety is a projective variety. Chevalley's structure theorem states that every algebraic group can be constructed from groups in those two families.
Formally, an algebraic group over a field is an algebraic variety over , together with a distinguished element (the neutral element), and regular maps (the multiplication operation) and (the inversion operation) that satisfy the group axioms. [2]
An algebraic subgroup of an algebraic group is a subvariety of that is also a subgroup of (that is, the maps and defining the group structure map and , respectively, into ).
A morphism between two algebraic groups is a regular map that is also a group homomorphism. Its kernel is an algebraic subgroup of , its image is an algebraic subgroup of . [4]
Quotients in the category of algebraic groups are more delicate to deal with. An algebraic subgroup is said to be normal if it is stable under every inner automorphism (which are regular maps). If is a normal algebraic subgroup of then there exists an algebraic group and a surjective morphism such that is the kernel of . [5] Note that if the field is not algebraically closed, the morphism of groups may not be surjective (the default of surjectivity is measured by Galois cohomology).
Similarly to the Lie group–Lie algebra correspondence, to an algebraic group over a field is associated a Lie algebra over . As a vector space the Lie algebra is isomorphic to the tangent space at the identity element. The Lie bracket can be constructed from its interpretation as a space of derivations. [6]
A more sophisticated definition of an algebraic group over a field is that it is that of a group scheme over (group schemes can more generally be defined over commutative rings).
Yet another definition of the concept is to say that an algebraic group over is a group object in the category of algebraic varieties over .
An algebraic group is said to be affine if its underlying algebraic variety is an affine variety. Among the examples above the additive, multiplicative groups and the general and special linear groups are affine. Using the action of an affine algebraic group on its coordinate ring it can be shown that every affine algebraic group is a linear (or matrix group), meaning that it is isomorphic to an algebraic subgroup of the general linear group.
For example the additive group can be embedded in by the morphism .
There are many examples of such groups beyond those given previously:
Linear algebraic groups can be classified to a certain extent. Levi's theorem states that every such is (essentially) a semidirect product of a unipotent group (its unipotent radical) with a reductive group. In turn reductive groups are decomposed as (again essentially) a product of their center (an algebraic torus) with a semisimple group. The latter are classified over algebraically closed fields via their Lie algebra. [8] The classification over arbitrary fields is more involved but still well-understood. [9] If can be made very explicit in some cases, for example over the real or p-adic fields, and thereby over number fields via local-global principles.
Abelian varieties are connected projective algebraic groups, for instance elliptic curves. They are always commutative. They arise naturally in various situations in algebraic geometry and number theory, for example as the Jacobian variety of a curve.
Not all algebraic groups are linear groups or abelian varieties, for instance some group schemes occurring naturally in arithmetic geometry are neither. [10] Chevalley's structure theorem asserts that every connected algebraic group is an extension of an abelian variety by a linear algebraic group. More precisely, if K is a perfect field, and G a connected algebraic group over K, there exists a unique normal closed subgroup H in G, such that H is a connected linear algebraic group and G/H an abelian variety.
As an algebraic variety carries a Zariski topology. It is not in general a group topology, i.e. the group operations may not be continuous for this topology (because Zariski topology on the product is not the product of Zariski topologies on the factors [11] ).
An algebraic group is said to be connected if the underlying algebraic variety is connected for the Zariski topology. For an algebraic group this means that it is not the union of two proper algebraic subsets. [12]
Examples of groups that are not connected are given by the algebraic subgroup of th roots of unity in the multiplicative group (each point is a Zariski-closed subset so it is not connected for ). This group is generally denoted by . Another non-connected group are orthogonal group in even dimension (the determinant gives a surjective morphism to ).
More generally every finite group is an algebraic group (it can be realised as a finite, hence Zariski-closed, subgroup of some by Cayley's theorem). In addition it is both affine and projective. Thus, in particular for classification purposes, it is natural to restrict statements to connected algebraic group.
If the field is a local field (for instance the real or complex numbers, or a p-adic field) and is a -group then the group is endowed with the analytic topology coming from any embedding into a projective space as a quasi-projective variety. This is a group topology, and it makes into a topological group. Such groups are important examples in the general theory of topological groups.
If or then this makes into a Lie group. Not all Lie groups can be obtained via this procedure, for example the universal cover of SL2(R), or the quotient of the Heisenberg group by an infinite normal discrete subgroup. [13] An algebraic group over the real or complex numbers may have closed subgroups (in the analytic topology) that do not have the same connected component of the identity as any algebraic subgroup.
There are a number of analogous results between algebraic groups and Coxeter groups – for instance, the number of elements of the symmetric group is , and the number of elements of the general linear group over a finite field is (up to some factor) the q-factorial ; thus the symmetric group behaves as though it were a linear group over "the field with one element". This is formalized by the field with one element, which considers Coxeter groups to be simple algebraic groups over the field with one element.
In mathematics, a Lie algebra is a vector space together with an operation called the Lie bracket, an alternating bilinear map , that satisfies the Jacobi identity. In other words, a Lie algebra is an algebra over a field for which the multiplication operation is alternating and satisfies the Jacobi identity. The Lie bracket of two vectors and is denoted . A Lie algebra is typically a non-associative algebra. However, every associative algebra gives rise to a Lie algebra, consisting of the same vector space with the commutator Lie bracket, .
In mathematics, a Lie group is a group that is also a differentiable manifold, such that group multiplication and taking inverses are both differentiable.
In mathematics, topological groups are the combination of groups and topological spaces, i.e. they are groups and topological spaces at the same time, such that the continuity condition for the group operations connects these two structures together and consequently they are not independent from each other.
In algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, the Zariski topology is a topology defined on geometric objects called varieties. It is very different from topologies that are commonly used in real or complex analysis; in particular, it is not Hausdorff. This topology was introduced primarily by Oscar Zariski and later generalized for making the set of prime ideals of a commutative ring a topological space.
Algebraic varieties are the central objects of study in algebraic geometry, a sub-field of mathematics. Classically, an algebraic variety is defined as the set of solutions of a system of polynomial equations over the real or complex numbers. Modern definitions generalize this concept in several different ways, while attempting to preserve the geometric intuition behind the original definition.
In algebraic geometry, an affine algebraic set is the set of the common zeros over an algebraically closed field k of some family of polynomials in the polynomial ring An affine variety or affine algebraic variety, is an affine algebraic set such that the ideal generated by the defining polynomials is prime.
In mathematics, specifically algebraic geometry, a scheme is a structure that enlarges the notion of algebraic variety in several ways, such as taking account of multiplicities and allowing "varieties" defined over any commutative ring.
In mathematics, a linear algebraic group is a subgroup of the group of invertible matrices that is defined by polynomial equations. An example is the orthogonal group, defined by the relation where is the transpose of .
In mathematics, an algebraic torus, where a one dimensional torus is typically denoted by , , or , is a type of commutative affine algebraic group commonly found in projective algebraic geometry and toric geometry. Higher dimensional algebraic tori can be modelled as a product of algebraic groups . These groups were named by analogy with the theory of tori in Lie group theory. For example, over the complex numbers the algebraic torus is isomorphic to the group scheme , which is the scheme theoretic analogue of the Lie group . In fact, any -action on a complex vector space can be pulled back to a -action from the inclusion as real manifolds.
In the theory of algebraic groups, a Borel subgroup of an algebraic group G is a maximal Zariski closed and connected solvable algebraic subgroup. For example, in the general linear group GLn, the subgroup of invertible upper triangular matrices is a Borel subgroup.
In mathematics, a reductive group is a type of linear algebraic group over a field. One definition is that a connected linear algebraic group G over a perfect field is reductive if it has a representation that has a finite kernel and is a direct sum of irreducible representations. Reductive groups include some of the most important groups in mathematics, such as the general linear group GL(n) of invertible matrices, the special orthogonal group SO(n), and the symplectic group Sp(2n). Simple algebraic groups and (more generally) semisimple algebraic groups are reductive.
In abstract algebra, an adelic algebraic group is a semitopological group defined by an algebraic group G over a number field K, and the adele ring A = A(K) of K. It consists of the points of G having values in A; the definition of the appropriate topology is straightforward only in case G is a linear algebraic group. In the case of G being an abelian variety, it presents a technical obstacle, though it is known that the concept is potentially useful in connection with Tamagawa numbers. Adelic algebraic groups are widely used in number theory, particularly for the theory of automorphic representations, and the arithmetic of quadratic forms.
In mathematics, a unipotent elementr of a ring R is one such that r − 1 is a nilpotent element; in other words, (r − 1)n is zero for some n.
Affine geometry, broadly speaking, is the study of the geometrical properties of lines, planes, and their higher dimensional analogs, in which a notion of "parallel" is retained, but no metrical notions of distance or angle are. Affine spaces differ from linear spaces in that they do not have a distinguished choice of origin. So, in the words of Marcel Berger, "An affine space is nothing more than a vector space whose origin we try to forget about, by adding translations to the linear maps." Accordingly, a complex affine space, that is an affine space over the complex numbers, is like a complex vector space, but without a distinguished point to serve as the origin.
In Lie theory and related areas of mathematics, a lattice in a locally compact group is a discrete subgroup with the property that the quotient space has finite invariant measure. In the special case of subgroups of Rn, this amounts to the usual geometric notion of a lattice as a periodic subset of points, and both the algebraic structure of lattices and the geometry of the space of all lattices are relatively well understood.
Representation theory is a branch of mathematics that studies abstract algebraic structures by representing their elements as linear transformations of vector spaces, and studies modules over these abstract algebraic structures. In essence, a representation makes an abstract algebraic object more concrete by describing its elements by matrices and their algebraic operations. The theory of matrices and linear operators is well-understood, so representations of more abstract objects in terms of familiar linear algebra objects help glean properties and sometimes simplify calculations on more abstract theories.
This is a glossary of algebraic geometry.
In mathematics, the complexification or universal complexification of a real Lie group is given by a continuous homomorphism of the group into a complex Lie group with the universal property that every continuous homomorphism of the original group into another complex Lie group extends compatibly to a complex analytic homomorphism between the complex Lie groups. The complexification, which always exists, is unique up to unique isomorphism. Its Lie algebra is a quotient of the complexification of the Lie algebra of the original group. They are isomorphic if the original group has a quotient by a discrete normal subgroup which is linear.
In algebraic geometry, a torsor or a principal bundle is an analogue of a principal bundle in algebraic topology. Because there are few open sets in Zariski topology, it is more common to consider torsors in étale topology or some other flat topologies. The notion also generalizes a Galois extension in abstract algebra. Though other notions of torsors are known in more general context this article will focus on torsors over schemes, the original setting where torsors have been thought for. The word torsor comes from the French torseur. They are indeed widely discussed, for instance, in Michel Demazure's and Pierre Gabriel's famous book Groupes algébriques, Tome I.
This is a glossary for the terminology applied in the mathematical theories of Lie groups and Lie algebras. For the topics in the representation theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras, see Glossary of representation theory. Because of the lack of other options, the glossary also includes some generalizations such as quantum group.