Mount Ketra

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Mount Ketra is one of the mountains located in Datar Village, Dayeuhluhur District, Cilacap Regency, Indonesia.

The location and shape of Mount Ketra although not too high but quite striking and in contrast to the surrounding area, especially the area of Dayeuhluhur. Because of its location surrounded by settlements, since ancient times since the Great Power region was inhabited by humans, Mount Ketra has been used as a "ciciren" or a sign to find out the location of human habitation around it. The name Mount Ketra before the existence of Ketra Overtime was recognized by the ancient Galuh community as Puntang Mountain. It is said that based on the story of Batu Nilu that those who want to take control of the Gunung Ketra or Daya Luhur region must be brave first "nangtungan" on this mountain. This mountain is an important place in the life of the Daya Luhur community. Therefore the existence of Mount Ketra since ancient times is one of the places sacred by the Dayeuhluhur community.

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    Page title [usurped]

    GUNUNG Ketra di Desa Datar, Kecamatan Dayeuhluh, Kabupaten Cilacap penuh misteri dan menyimpan sejarah masa Kerajaan Sunda, Mataram, hingga Jayakarta.