Multi-fragment algorithm

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Multi-fragment algorithm
Class Approximation algorithm
Data structure Graph
Worst-case performance

The multi-fragment (MF) algorithm is a heuristic or approximation algorithm for the travelling salesman problem (TSP) (and related problems). This algorithm is also sometimes called the "greedy algorithm" for the TSP.

The algorithm builds a tour for the traveling salesman one edge at a time and thus maintains multiple tour fragments, each of which is a simple path in the complete graph of cities. At each stage, the algorithm selects the edge of minimal cost that either creates a new fragment, extends one of the existing paths or creates a cycle of length equal to the number of cities. [1]

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  1. Johnson, David; A. McGeoch, Lyle (1997). "The Traveling Salesman Problem: A Case Study in Local Optimization". Local Search in Combinatorial Optimization. 1. CiteSeerX .