Multiple loci VNTR analysis

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Tandum (top) versus interspersed (bottom) repeated nucleic acid sequence Tandem and interspersed repeat schematic.png
Tandum (top) versus interspersed (bottom) repeated nucleic acid sequence

Multiple loci VNTR analysis (MLVA) is a method employed for the genetic analysis of particular microorganisms, such as pathogenic bacteria, that takes advantage of the polymorphism of tandemly repeated DNA sequences. A "VNTR" is a "variable-number tandem repeat". This method is well known in forensic science since it is the basis of DNA fingerprinting in humans. When applied to bacteria, it contributes to forensic microbiology through which the source of a particular strain might eventually be traced back, making it a useful technique for outbreak surveillance.


In a typical MLVA, a number of well-selected and characterised (in terms of mutation rate and diversity) loci are amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), so that the size of each locus can be measured, usually by electrophoresis of the amplification products together with reference DNA fragments (a so-called DNA size marker). Different electrophoresis equipment can be used depending on the required size estimate accuracy, and the local laboratory set-up, from basic agarose gel electrophoresis up to the more sophisticated and high-throughput capillary electrophoresis devices. [1] From this size estimate, the number of repeat units at each locus can be deduced. The resulting information is a code which can be easily compared to reference databases once the assay has been harmonised and standardised. [2] [3]

MLVA has become a major first line typing tool in a number of pathogens where such an harmonisation could be achieved, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis , [4] Bacillus anthracis, [5] Brucella. [6] [7]

Some MLVA-associated web sites

Software for analysis of MLVA data

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In molecular biology, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) is a technique that exploits variations in homologous DNA sequences, known as polymorphisms, in order to distinguish individuals, populations, or species or to pinpoint the locations of genes within a sequence. The term may refer to a polymorphism itself, as detected through the differing locations of restriction enzyme sites, or to a related laboratory technique by which such differences can be illustrated. In RFLP analysis, a DNA sample is digested into fragments by one or more restriction enzymes, and the resulting restriction fragments are then separated by gel electrophoresis according to their size.

A microsatellite is a tract of repetitive DNA in which certain DNA motifs are repeated, typically 5–50 times. Microsatellites occur at thousands of locations within an organism's genome. They have a higher mutation rate than other areas of DNA leading to high genetic diversity. Microsatellites are often referred to as short tandem repeats (STRs) by forensic geneticists and in genetic genealogy, or as simple sequence repeats (SSRs) by plant geneticists.

Tandem repeats occur in DNA when a pattern of one or more nucleotides is repeated and the repetitions are directly adjacent to each other. Several protein domains also form tandem repeats within their amino acid primary structure, such as armadillo repeats. However, in proteins, perfect tandem repeats are unlikely in most in vivo proteins, and most known repeats are in proteins which have been designed.

A minisatellite is a tract of repetitive DNA in which certain DNA motifs are typically repeated 5-50 times. Minisatellites occur at more than 1,000 locations in the human genome and they are notable for their high mutation rate and high diversity in the population. Minisatellites are prominent in the centromeres and telomeres of chromosomes, the latter protecting the chromosomes from damage. The name "satellite" refers to the early observation that centrifugation of genomic DNA in a test tube separates a prominent layer of bulk DNA from accompanying "satellite" layers of repetitive DNA. Minisatellites are small sequences of DNA that do not encode proteins but appear throughout the genome hundreds of times, with many repeated copies lying next to each other.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Haplotype</span> Group of genes from one parent

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Variable number tandem repeat</span>

A variable number tandem repeat is a location in a genome where a short nucleotide sequence is organized as a tandem repeat. These can be found on many chromosomes, and often show variations in length among individuals. Each variant acts as an inherited allele, allowing them to be used for personal or parental identification. Their analysis is useful in genetics and biology research, forensics, and DNA fingerprinting.

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Variable number of tandem repeat locus is any DNA sequence that exist in multiple copies strung together in a variety of tandem lengths. The number of repeat copies present at a locus can be visualized by means of a Multi-locus or Multiple Loci VNTR Analysis (MLVA). In short, oligonucleotide primers are developed for each specific tandem repeat locus, followed by PCR and agarose gel electrophoresis. When the length of the repeat and the size of the flanking regions is known, the number of repeats can be calculated. Analysis of multiple loci will result in a genotype.

A null allele is a nonfunctional allele caused by a genetic mutation. Such mutations can cause a complete lack of production of the associated gene product or a product that does not function properly; in either case, the allele may be considered nonfunctional. A null allele cannot be distinguished from deletion of the entire locus solely from phenotypic observation.

A Y-STR is a short tandem repeat (STR) on the Y-chromosome. Y-STRs are often used in forensics, paternity, and genealogical DNA testing. Y-STRs are taken specifically from the male Y chromosome. These Y-STRs provide a weaker analysis than autosomal STRs because the Y chromosome is only found in males, which are only passed down by the father, making the Y chromosome in any paternal line practically identical. This causes a significantly smaller amount of distinction between Y-STR samples. Autosomal STRs provide a much stronger analytical power because of the random matching that occurs between pairs of chromosomes during the zygote making process.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Paramutation</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">STR analysis</span> Biological DNA analysis for allele repeats

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Mycobacterium canettii, a novel pathogenic taxon of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC), was first reported in 1969 by the French microbiologist Georges Canetti, for whom the organism has been named. It formed smooth and shiny colonies, which is highly exceptional for the MTBC. It was described in detail in 1997 on the isolation of a new strain from a 2-year-old Somali patient with lymphadenitis. It did not differ from Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the biochemical tests and in its 16S rRNA sequence. It had shorter generation time than clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis and presented a unique, characteristic phenolic glycolipid and lipo-oligosaccharide. In 1998, Pfyffer described abdominal lymphatic TB in a 56-year-old Swiss man with HIV infection who lived in Kenya. Tuberculosis caused by M. canettii appears to be an emerging disease in the Horn of Africa. A history of a stay to the region should induce the clinician to consider this organism promptly even if the clinical features of TB caused by M. canettii are not specific. The natural reservoir, host range, and mode of transmission of the organism are still unknown.

<i>Bacillus anthracis</i> Species of bacterium

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Forensic DNA analysis</span>

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DXZ4 is a variable number tandemly repeated DNA sequence. In humans it is composed of 3kb monomers containing a highly conserved CTCF binding site. CTCF is a transcription factor protein and the main insulator responsible for partitioning of chromatin domains in the vertebrate genome.


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  2. Grissa I, Bouchon P, Pourcel C, Vergnaud G (2008). "On-line resources for bacterial micro-evolution studies using MLVA or CRISPR typing". Biochimie. 90 (4): 660–8. doi:10.1016/j.biochi.2007.07.014. PMID   17822824.
  3. Nadon CA, Trees E, Ng LK, Møller Nielsen E, Reimer A, Maxwell N, Kubota KA, Gerner-Smidt P, the MLVA Harmonization Working Group (2013). "Development and application of MLVA methods as a tool for inter-laboratory surveillance". Euro Surveill. 18 (35): 20565. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.es2013.18.35.20565 . PMC   5667538 . PMID   24008231.
  4. Blouin Y, Hauck Y, Soler C, Fabre M, Vong R, Dehan C, Cazajous G, Massoure PL, Kraemer P, Jenkins A, Garnotel E, Pourcel C, Vergnaud G (2012). "Significance of the identification in the Horn of Africa of an exceptionally deep branching Mycobacterium tuberculosis clade". PLOS ONE. 7 (12): e52841. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0052841 . PMC   3531362 . PMID   23300794.
  5. Thierry S, Tourterel C, Le Flèche P, Derzelle S, Dekhil N, Mendy C, Colaneri C, Vergnaud G, Madani N (2014). "Genotyping of French Bacillus anthracis strains based on 31-loci multi locus VNTR analysis: epidemiology, marker evaluation, and update of the internet genotype database". PLOS ONE. 9 (6): e95131. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0095131 . PMC   4046976 . PMID   24901417.
  6. Scholz HC, Vergnaud G (2013). "Molecular characterisation of Brucella species". Rev. Sci. Tech. 32 (1): 149–62. doi:10.20506/rst.32.1.2189. PMID   23837373.
  7. Lindstedt BA, Torpdahl M, Vergnaud G, Le Hello S, Weill FX, Tietze E, Malorny B, Prendergast DM, Ní Ghallchoir E, Lista RF, Schouls LM, Söderlund R, Börjesson S, Åkerström S (2013). "Use of multilocus variable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) in eight European countries, 2012". Euro Surveill. 18 (4): 20385. doi: 10.2807/ese.18.04.20385-en . PMID   23369388.