NWA Americas Tag Team Championship

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NWA Americas Tag Team Championship
Promotion NWA Hollywood Wrestling
Date establishedFebruary, 1964
Date retiredDecember 26, 1982
Other name(s)
  • WWA World Tag Team Championship
First champion(s) Édouard Carpentier and Ernie Ladd
Most reignsBlack Gordman and Goliath (22 reigns) (as individual) Black Gordman (31 reigns)
Longest reignBlack Gordman and Goliath
(187 days)
Shortest reignBlack Gordman and Rocky Montero, Ángel Blanco and Dr. Wagner, Chavo Guerrero and John Tolos, Chavo and Gory Guerrero, and The Twin Devils,
(1 day)

The NWA Americas Tag Team Championship was a professional wrestling tag team title in the National Wrestling Alliance's NWA Hollywood Wrestling based out of Los Angeles, California.


The championship began as the WWA World Tag Team Championship for Worldwide Wrestling Associates in 1964. [1] However, when WWA became an NWA affiliate on October 1, 1968, its name was changed to NWA Hollywood Wrestling and the title was renamed the NWA Americas Tag Team Championship in January 1969. The title served as the top tag team championship in the promotion until 1979 when it was relegated to serve as a secondary tag title since the company created its own regional version of the NWA World Tag Team Championship. The championship lasted until the promotion closed on December 26, 1982. [2]

Title history

No.Overall reign number
ReignReign number for the specific team—reign numbers for the individuals are in parentheses, if different
DaysNumber of days held
No.ChampionChampionship changeReign statisticsNotesRef.
WWA World Tag Team Championship
1 Édouard Carpentier and Ernie Ladd February 1, 1964WWA showSan Bernardino, California126Previously WWA International Television Tag Team Championship.
2 The Fabulous Kangaroos
(Al Costello and Roy Heffernan)
February 27, 1964WWA showBakersfield, California161 [3]
3Torres Brothers
(Alberto and Ramon Torres)
April 28, 1964WWA showLong Beach, California193
4 The Destroyer and Hard Boiled Haggerty July 30, 1964WWA showBakersfield, California189
5 Freddie Blassie and Mr. Moto October 27, 1964WWA showLong Beach, California17
6 The Destroyer (2) and Hard Boiled Haggerty (2)November 3, 1964WWA showLong Beach, California236
7 Édouard Carpentier (2) and Bob Ellis December 9, 1964WWA showLos Angeles, California189
8 The Von Stroheims
(Karl and Kurt Von Stroheim)
March 8, 1965WWA showN/A166Pedro Morales and Luis Hernandez defeat the Von Stroheims on April 24, 1965, in San Bernardino, California, but the Von Stroheims defend the title in Los Angeles, California, on the following day.
9 The Assassins
(Assassin #1 and Assassin #2)
May 13, 1965WWA showLos Angeles, California187 [4]
10The Kentuckians
(Luke Brown and Grizzly Smith)
August 8, 1965WWA showLos Angeles, California130
11 The Assassins
(Assassin #1 and Assassin #2)
September 7, 1965WWA showLong Beach, California27
12The Kentuckians
(Luke Brown and Grizzly Smith)
September 14, 1965WWA showLong Beach, California2435This title change was repeated two days later in Bakersfield, California.
13 Luke Graham and Gorilla Monsoon November 23, 1966WWA showLos Angeles, California161
14 El Mongol and Gorilla Monsoon (2)January 23, 1967WWA showLos Angeles, California117Defeated Luke Graham and Moondog Mayne. [5]
15 Thunderbolt Patterson and Alberto Torres (2)February 9, 1966WWA showLos Angeles, California168
16 Buddy Austin and El Mongol (2)April 18, 1966WWA showLos Angeles, California167
17Luis Hernandez and Pedro Morales June 24, 1966WWA showLos Angeles, California1126
18El Shereef and Hard Boiled Haggerty (3)October 28, 1966WWA showLos Angeles, California143
19 Mark Lewin and Pedro Morales (2)December 10, 1966WWA showLos Angeles, California124
20El Shereef (2) and Hard Boiled Haggerty (4)January 3, 1967WWA showN/A238
21 Pedro Morales (3) and Ricky Romero February 10, 1967WWA showLos Angeles, California198 [6]
22 Mike DiBiase and Killer Karl Kox May 19, 1967WWA showLos Angeles, California130
23 Kim Il and Mr. Moto (2)June 18, 1967WWA showN/A111
24 Pedro Morales (4) and Ricky Romero (2)June 29, 1967WWA showN/A21
25 Mike DiBiase (2) and Karl Gotch June 30, 1967WWA showLos Angeles, California1N/A
Vacated September 13, 1967WWA showTitle Held up after a match against Pedro Morales and Victor Rivera.
26 Pedro Morales (5) and Victor Rivera July 29, 1967N/ASan Bernardino, California17Wins the rematch.
27 Mike DiBiase (3) and Karl Gotch (2)August 5, 1967WWA showSan Bernardino, California228
28 Pedro Morales (6) and Victor Rivera (2)September 2, 1967WWA showN/A218
29 Buddy Austin (2) and Freddie Blassie (2)September 20, 1967WWA showLos Angeles, California172
30 Pedro Morales (7) and Antonio Pugliese December 1, 1967WWA showLos Angeles, California114
31 Buddy Austin and Freddie Blassie (3)December 15, 1967WWA showLos Angeles, California2141
32The Medics
(I and II)
May 4, 1968WWA showLos Angeles, California1N/A
NWA Americas Tag Team Championship
33 Freddie Blassie (4) and Crybaby Cannon November 7, 1968WWA showBakersfield, California1N/A
34The Medics
(I and II)
December 1968WWA showN/A2N/A
35 Paul Jones and Nelson Royal January 24, 1969WWA showLos Angeles, California114 [7]
36Black Gordman and Pepper Gomez February 7, 1969WWA showLos Angeles, California136 [8]
37The Black AngelsMarch 15, 1969WWA showSan Bernardino, California119
38 Alfonso Dantés and Mil Máscaras April 3, 1969WWA showLos Angeles, California141Repeated on April 5, 1969, in San Bernardino, California, as WWA title (Black Angels may have regained on April 4, 1969.
39Black Gordman (2) and Apache Bull Ramos May 14, 1969WWA showLos Angeles, California17
40 Alfonso Dantés (2) and Francisco Flores May 21, 1969WWA showLos Angeles, California121
41Black Gordman (3) and Chris Markoff June 11, 1969WWA showLos Angeles, California124
42 Mil Máscaras (2) and Alfonso Dantés (3)July 5, 1969WWA showSan Bernardino, California219
43Black Gordman (4) and Apache Bull Ramos (2)July 24, 1969WWA showLos Angeles, California237
44The Medics
(I and II)
August 30, 1969WWA showSan Bernardino, California3N/A
Vacated October 1969Medico #2 is forced to leave for Mexico
45Don Carson and Great Kojika October 1969WWA showN/A1N/ASometime after October 17, 1969.
46Pepe Lopez and El Medico (4)December 1, 1969WWA showVentura, California146Carson and Kojika defend the title against Medico and Lopez on December 13, 1969, in California (or the newspaper mistakenly reports as such).
47 Freddie Blassie (5) and Don Carson (2)January 16, 1970WWA showLos Angeles, California1N/A [9]
Vacated March 25, 1970Blassie and Carson split up.
49Pantera Negra and Tony RoccoApril 8, 1970WWA showLos Angeles, California165Defeated Karl Helsinger and Kinji Shibuya in an 8 man tournament final to win the vacant title.
50 Great Kojika (2) and John Tolos June 12, 1970WWA showLos Angeles, California18
51Pantera Negra (2) and Tony Rocco (2)June 20, 1970WWA showLos Angeles, California2N/A
52 Great Kojika (3) and John Tolos (2)July 1970WWA showN/A2N/A
53Pantera Negra (3) and Tony Rocco (3)July 15, 1970WWA showLos Angeles, California324
54Black Gordman (4) and Rocky MonteroAugust 8, 1970WWA showSan Diego, California132
55 Rocky Johnson and Earl Maynard September 9, 1970WWA showLos Angeles, California18
56The Medics
(I (5) and II (4))
September 17, 1970WWA showBakersfield, California4N/A
57Black Gordman (5) and GoliathOctober 10, 1970WWA showBakersfield, California117
58The Medics
(I (6) and II (5))
October 27, 1970WWA showSan Diego, California530
59Black Gordman (6) and Goliath (2)November 26, 1970WWA showBakersfield, California250Medicos are billed as Pacific Coast champions on December 5, 1970, in San Bernardino, California.
60 Mil Máscaras (3) and Ray Mendoza January 15, 1971WWA showBakersfield, California114
61Black Gordman (7) and Goliath (3)January 29, 1971WWA showLos Angeles, California398
62 Masa Saito and Kinji Shibuya May 7, 1971WWA showLos Angeles, California114
63Black Gordman (8) and Goliath (4)May 21, 1971WWA showLos Angeles, California498
64 Masa Saito (2) and Kinji Shibuya (2)August 27, 1971WWA showLos Angeles, California214
65Black Gordman (9) and Goliath (5)September 10, 1971WWA showLos Angeles, California533
66Salvador Lothario and Pantera Negra (3)October 13, 1971WWA showN/A137
67 Masa Saito (3) and Kinji Shibuya (3)November 19, 1971WWA showLos Angeles, California318
68 Earl Maynard (2) and Frankie Laine December 7, 1971WWA showSan Diego, California17
69 Masa Saito (4) and Kinji Shibuya (4)December 14, 1971WWA showSan Diego, California445In Bakersfield, California, Shibuya and Saito lose to La Pantera Negra and Salvador Lothario on December 9, 1971, and regain on December 16, 1971.
70 Dory Dixon and Earl Maynard (3)January 28, 1972WWA showLos Angeles, California133
71Goliath (6) and Kinji Shibuya (5)March 1, 1972WWA showLos Angeles, California148
72 Dory Dixon (2) and Raul Mata April 18, 1972WWA showCosta Mesa, California17
73 Killer Kowalski and Kinji Shibuya (6)April 25, 1972WWA showCosta Mesa, California110
74 Raul Mata (2) and Ray Mendoza (2)May 5, 1972WWA showLos Angeles, California1N/A [10]
75 Raul Mata (3) and Salvador LotharioJune 1972WWA showN/A1N/ALothario Replaces Mendoza.
76 Masa Saito (5) and Kinji Shibuya (7)June 30, 1972WWA showLos Angeles, California561
77Eric Froelich and Reuben JuarezAugust 30, 1972WWA showLos Angeles, California1N/A
Vacated September 14, 1972Title Held up after a match against Rocky Montero and Jan Madrid
78Eric Froelich and Reuben JuarezSeptember 21, 1972WWA showBakersfield, California250
79Black Gordman (10) and Goliath (7)November 10, 1972WWA showLos Angeles, California691
80 Raul Mata (4) and David MorganFebruary 9, 1973WWA showLos Angeles, California161
81 Ripper Collins and Gordon NelsonApril 11, 1973WWA showLos Angeles, California123
82 Ray Mendoza (3) and Raul ReyesMay 4, 1973WWA showLos Angeles, California114
83Black Gordman (11) and Goliath (8)May 18, 1973WWA showLos Angeles, California712
84 Ray Mendoza (4) and Raul Reyes (2)May 30, 1973WWA showSan Bernardino, California22
85Black Gordman (12) and Goliath (9)June 1, 1973WWA showLos Angeles, California842 [11]
86Raul Reyes (3) and Victor Rivera (3)July 13, 1973WWA showLos Angeles, California133
87 Pak Song and Mr. Wrestling August 15, 1973WWA showLos Angeles, California19
88Raul Reyes (4) and Reuben Juarez (3)August 24, 1973WWA showLos Angeles, California1N/A
89Great Yamamoto and Colosso Colosetti October 1973WWA showN/A1N/A
90Raul Reyes (5) and Raul Mata (5)October 27, 1973WWA showHollywood, California141
91 Dr. and Mr. Wrestling (2)December 7, 1973WWA showHollywood, California114
92 Raul Mata (6) and Victor Rivera (4)December 21, 1973WWA showHollywood, California128
93Black Gordman (13) and Goliath (10)January 18, 1974WWA showLos Angeles, California9187 [12]
94 Porkchop Cash and Manny SotoJuly 24, 1974WWA showLos Angeles, California137
95 Ángel Blanco and Dr. Wagner August 30, 1974WWA showLos Angeles, California11
96 Butcher Brannigan and Mountain Man Mike August 31, 1974WWA showHollywood, California114
97 Porkchop Cash (2) and Victor Rivera (5)September 14, 1974WWA showHollywood, California128
98Otto Von Heller and Kurt Von Hess October 12, 1974WWA showHollywood, California1N/A
Vacated October 19, 1974
99 Dino Bravo and Victor Rivera (6)October 25, 1974WWA showLos Angeles, California142Defeated Raul Reyes and Tony Rocco to win the vacant title.
100 The Hollywood Blonds
(Jerry Brown and Buddy Roberts)
December 6, 1974WWA showLos Angeles, California142Defeated Victor Rivera and Louie Tillet, after Bravo leaves the team to challenge for the Americas Heavyweight Championship.
101 Porkchop Cash (3) and S. D. Jones January 17, 1975WWA showLos Angeles, California17 [13]
102 The Hollywood Blonds
(Jerry Brown and Buddy Roberts)
January 24, 1975WWA showLos Angeles, California235
103Louie Tillet and John Tolos (3)February 28, 1975WWA showLos Angeles, California122
104 The Hollywood Blonds
(Jerry Brown and Buddy Roberts)
March 22, 1975WWA showHollywood, California383
105Black Gordman (14) and Goliath (11)June 13, 1975WWA showLos Angeles, California1042
106 The Hollywood Blonds
(Jerry Brown and Buddy Roberts)
July 25, 1975WWA showLos Angeles, California414
107Black Gordman (15) and Goliath (12)August 8, 1975WWA showLos Angeles, California1114
108 Chavo Guerrero and Raul Mata (7)August 22, 1975WWA showLos Angeles, California121
109The InfernosSeptember 12, 1975WWA showN/A121
110 Chavo Guerrero (2) and Raul Mata (8)October 3, 1975WWA showN/A226
111The InfernosOctober 29, 1975WWA showN/A234
112Black Gordman (16) and Goliath (13)December 2, 1975WWA showSan Diego, California127
113Mickey Doyle and Mando LopezDecember 9, 1975WWA showN/A17
114 Rock Riddle and John Tolos (4)December 16, 1975WWA showN/A114
115Black Gordman (17) and Goliath (14)December 30, 1975WWA showN/A1345
116 Chavo Guerrero (3) and John Tolos (5)February 13, 1976WWA showLos Angeles, California11
117 Karl Von Brauner and Senor X February 14, 1976WWA showN/A113
118 Los Guerreros
(Chavo (4) and Gory)
February 27, 1976WWA showN/A11 [3]
119 Roddy Piper and Crusher VerduFebruary 28, 1976WWA showN/A1145Still/again champion as of May 13, 1976. [14]
120Crusher Verdu (2) and Frank MonteJuly 22, 1976WWA showN/A115
121 Butcher Vachon and Chavo Guerrero (5)August 6, 1976WWA showLos Angeles, California17
122 Porkchop Cash (4) and Frank Monte (2)August 13, 1976WWA showLos Angeles, California18
123The Scorpions
(I and II (6))
August 21, 1976WWA showSan Bernardino, California134Scorpion II formerly known as Raúl Reyes.
124Carlos and Raul Mata (9)September 24, 1976N/ALos Angeles, California135
125The Hangman and Roddy Piper (2)October 29, 1976WWA showN/A184
126 Cien Caras and Victor Rivera (7)January 21, 1977WWA showN/A121
127Dr. Hiro Ota (Yasu Fuji) and Toru Tanaka February 11, 1977WWA showN/A119
128 Victor Rivera (8) and Terry SawyerMarch 2, 1977WWA showN/A12
129Black Gordman (18) and Goliath (15)March 4, 1977WWA showN/A1414
130 Chavo Guerrero (6) and Victor Rivera (9)March 18, 1977WWA showN/A1N/A
131 Keith Franks and Black Gordman (19)1977WWA showN/A1N/ASometime between April 10, 1977 and April 24, 1977.
132 Mando Guerrero and Tom JonesApril 25, 1977WWA showN/A188Chavo Guerrero and Mando Guerrero are billed as champions on April 26, 1977, in San Diego, California.
133 Keith Franks (2) and Roddy Piper (3)July 22, 1977WWA showN/A17
134 Mando Guerrero (2) and Tom Jones (2)July 29, 1977WWA showN/A221
135Black Gordman (20) and Goliath (16)August 19, 1977WWA showN/A1530
136Tom (3) and S. D. Jones (2)September 18, 1977WWA showN/A15
137Black Gordman (21) and Goliath (17)September 23, 1977WWA showN/A1628
138 Texas Red and Victor Rivera (10)October 21, 1977WWA showN/A17
139Black Gordman (22) and Goliath (18)October 28, 1977WWA showN/A17N/A
140 The Canadian (4) and Chavo Guerrero (7)1977WWA showN/A1N/A
141Black Gordman (23) and Goliath (19)November 2, 1977WWA showN/A186
142Tom (4) and S. D. Jones (3)November 8, 1977WWA showN/A21
143Black Gordman (24) and Goliath (20)November 9, 1977WWA showSan Diego, California1965
144 Los Guerreros
(Chavo (8) and Hector)
January 13, 1978WWA showLos Angeles, California123 [15]
145 Ron Bass and Dr. Hiro Ota (2)February 5, 1978WWA showN/A119
146 Chavo Guerrero (9) and El HalcónFebruary 24, 1978WWA showN/A114
147 Ron Bass (2) and Moondog Lonnie Mayne March 10, 1978WWA showN/A121
148Black Gordman (25) and Chavo Guerrero (10)March 31, 1978WWA showN/A121
149 Ron Bass (3) and Roddy Piper (5)April 21, 1978WWA showLos Angeles, California135
150Black Gordman (26) and Hector Guerrero (2)May 26, 1978WWA showLos Angeles, California128 [16]
151 Pak Choo and Mr. Ito (Masao Ito)June 23, 1978WWA showN/A149
152Black Gordman (27) and Ryuma GoAugust 11, 1978WWA showN/A121
153 Pak Choo (2) and Roddy Piper (6)September 1, 1978WWA showN/A1N/A
154The Twin Devils1978WWA showN/A1N/A
155Black Gordman (28) and Goliath (21)November 17, 1978WWA showLos Angeles, California2021
156The Twin DevilsDecember 8, 1978WWA showN/A256
157 Chavo Guerrero (11) and Tatsumi Fujinami February 2, 1979WWA showLos Angeles, California17
158The Twin DevilsFebruary 9, 1979WWA showLos Angeles, California391
159 Hector Guerrero (3) and Barry Orton May 11, 1979WWA showLos Angeles, California17
160 Jonathan Boyd and Coloso Colosetti (2)May 18, 1979WWA showLos Angeles, California11
161The Twin DevilsMay 19, 1979WWA showFresno, California432
162Gibson Brothers
(Ricky and Robert Gibson)
June 20, 1979WWA showN/A18
163The Twin DevilsJune 28, 1979WWA showN/A51
164 Los Guerreros
(Hector (4) and Mando (3))
June 29, 1979WWA showN/A17
165The Twin DevilsJuly 6, 1979WWA showBakersfield, California6N/A
166 Los Guerreros
(Hector (5) and Mando (4))
1979WWA showN/A2N/ABilled as champions in San Bernardino, California, on July 8, 1978 (Twin Devils' win in Bakersfield on July 5, 1979, may not be for the title).
167 Leroy Brown and Allen Coage August 4, 1979WWA showLos Angeles, California127
168 Mando Guerrero (5) and Carlos Mata (2)August 31, 1979WWA showLos Angeles, California128
169The Twin DevilsSeptember 28, 1979WWA showN/A714
170 Allen Coage (2) and Victor Rivera (11)October 12, 1979WWA showLos Angeles, California114
171 Chavo Guerrero (10) and Al Madril October 26, 1979WWA showN/A17
172 Allen Coage (3) and Victor Rivera (12)November 2, 1979WWA showN/A243
173 Mando Guerrero (5) and Al Madril (2)December 15, 1979WWA showN/A148
174Jack and Ray EvansFebruary 1, 1980WWA showN/A1N/AStill champions as of February 22, 1980.
Vacated N/A
175John and Rick DavidsonFebruary 27, 1980WWA showLos Angeles, California1N/ADefeated Chris Adams and Tom Prichard.
Vacated N/A
176Jack and Ray EvansMarch 30, 1980WWA showN/A21
177Apolo Jalisco and Tom Prichard March 31, 1980WWA showBakersfield, California1N/A
178 Al Madril (3) and Chief Running HillApril 1980WWA showN/A1N/A
179 The Spoiler and The Hood April 11, 1980WWA showN/A1N/A
180Apolo Jalisco and Tom Prichard April 1980WWA showN/A2N/A
181Jack Evans (3) and Pampero Firpo April 25, 1980WWA showN/A119
182 Al Madril (4) and Tom Prichard (3)May 14, 1980WWA showN/A12
183 Ox Baker and Enforcer LucianoMay 16, 1980WWA showN/A1N/A
184 Al Madril (5) and Tom Prichard (4)1980WWA showN/A2N/A
185 The Assassin (3) and John Tolos (6)December 12, 1980WWA showN/A1N/A
Vacated 1981
186 Chris Adams and Tom Prichard (5)February 13, 1981WWA showN/A128Defeat El Mongol and Mike Masters.
187John and Rick DavidsonMarch 13, 1981WWA showLos Angeles, California253
188 Salvatore Bellomo and Victor Rivera (13)May 5, 1981WWA showSan Jose, California1N/A
189John and Rick Davidson1981WWA showN/A3N/A
190Chino Chou and Gene LeBell July 24, 1981WWA showN/A1N/A
191John and Rick Davidson1981WWA showN/A4N/A
192Mario and Joel Valenzuela1981WWA showN/A1N/A
193John and Rick Davidson1981WWA showN/A5N/A
194Chino Chou (2) and The Kiss1981WWA showN/A1N/A
195 Brazo de Oro and Brazo de Plata November 7, 1981WWA showN/A1N/A
196Carlos Mata (3) and The Kiss (2)1982WWA showN/A1N/ASometime between November 8, 1981 and November 28, 1981.
197Black Gordman (29) and Goliath (22)December 6, 1981WWA showN/A2163
198Carlos Mata (4) and The Kiss (3)February 7, 1982WWA showN/A25
199The Scorpions
(I (2) and II (7))
February 12, 1982WWA showLos Angeles, California2N/A [17]
200Killer Kim and Bobby LaneApril 1982WWA showN/A1N/A
201Chris Adams (2) and Ringo RigbyApril 4, 1982WWA showN/A133
202Timothy Flowers and Adrian Street May 7, 1982WWA showN/A156 [18]
203Black Gordman (30) and Goliath (23)July 2, 1982WWA showN/A22N/A
204Ryuma Go (2) and Mr. Toyo 1982WWA showLas Vegas, Nevada1N/A
205 Los Guerreros
(Hector (6) and Mando (6))
July 9, 1982WWA showLos Angeles, California3N/A
206Timothy Flowers and Adrian StreetAugust 1982WWA showN/A2N/A
207The Flores Brothers
(Russo and Chico Flores)
1982WWA showN/A1N/A
208 Los Guerreros
(Hector (7) and Mando (7))
1982WWA showN/A4N/A
209Black Gordman (31) and Master LeeNovember 12, 1982WWA showLos Angeles, California1N/A
DeactivatedDecember 26, 1982NWA Hollywood closed

See also


  1. WWA World Tag Team title history
  2. Royal Duncan and Gary Will (2006). Wrestling Title Histories (4th ed.). Archeus Communications. ISBN   0-9698161-5-4.
  3. 1 2 Hoops, Brian (February 28, 2017). "Daily pro wrestling history (02/27): NXT takes over". Wrestling Observer Figure Four Online. Retrieved February 27, 2017.
  4. Hoops, Brian (May 13, 2015). "On this day in pro wrestling history (May 13): Rick Martel wins AWA gold, Kurt Angle wins TNA title, Nash and Hall beat one man to win tag titles". Wrestling Observer Figure Four Online. Retrieved February 11, 2017.
  5. Hoops, Brian (January 23, 2020). "Pro wrestling history (01/23): Hulk Hogan defeats Iron Sheik for WWF title". Wrestling Observer Newsletter . Retrieved January 25, 2020.
  6. Hoops, Brian (February 10, 2017). "DAILY PRO WRESTLING HISTORY (02/10): MASA SAITO WINS AWA GOLD AT THE TOKYO DOME". Wrestling Observer Figure Four Online. Retrieved February 10, 2017.
  7. Hoops, Brian (January 24, 2020). "Pro wrestling history (01/24): WWF Royal Rumble 1999". Wrestling Observer Newsletter . Retrieved January 25, 2020.
  8. Hoops, Brian (February 7, 2017). "On this day in pro wrestling history (Feb 7): Bobby Roode and Austin Aries wins tag gold". Wrestling Observer Figure Four Online. Retrieved February 15, 2017.
  9. Hoops, Brian (January 16, 2019). "Pro wrestling history (01/16): Arn Anderson & Bobby Eaton win WCW Tag Team Titles". Wrestling Observer Figure Four Online . Retrieved January 18, 2019.
  10. F4W Staff (May 5, 2015). "On this day in pro wrestling history (May 5): Bruno Vs. Gorilla in Puerto Rico, 2nd annual Von Erich Memorial Parade of Champions". Wrestling Observer Figure Four Online. Retrieved February 10, 2017.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  11. Hoops, Brian (June 1, 2015). "On this day in pro wrestling history (June 1): Rogers beats Gomez, Gordman and Goliath, Baba loses PWF Title, Flair Vs. KVE, Lawler Vs. Son, Undertaker Vs. Edge". Wrestling Observer Figure Four Online. Retrieved February 11, 2017.
  12. Hoops, Brian (January 18, 2019). "Pro wrestling history (01/18): Ivan Koloff defeats Bruno Sammartino for WWWF title". Wrestling Observer Figure Four Online . Retrieved January 18, 2019.
  13. Hoops, Brian (January 17, 2019). "Pro wrestling history (01/17): Vader wins IWGP heavyweight title". Wrestling Observer Figure Four Online . Retrieved January 18, 2019.
  14. Hoops, Brian (February 28, 2017). "Daily pro wrestling history (02/28): Andersen and Hansen win NWA Tag Titles". Wrestling Observer Figure Four Online. Retrieved February 28, 2017.
  15. Hoops, Brian (January 13, 2019). "Pro wrestling history (01/13): TNA Genesis 2013". Wrestling Observer Figure Four Online . Retrieved January 18, 2019.
  16. F4W Staff (May 26, 2015). "On this day in pro wrestling history (May 26): Dick the Bruiser and Crusher beat Larry Hennig and Harley Race in a nine fall death match, Tiger Mask wins WWF Jr. Heavyweight gold". Wrestling Observer Figure Four Online. Retrieved February 11, 2017.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  17. Hoops, Brian (February 12, 2017). "On this day in pro wrestling history (Feb 12): Christian Cage wins gold in TNA". Wrestling Observer Figure Four Online. Retrieved February 15, 2017.
  18. F4W Staff (May 7, 2015). "On this day in pro wrestling history (May 7): Jeff Jarrett ends David Arquette's WCW title reign, Nick Bockwinkel Vs. Ray Stevens". Wrestling Observer Figure Four Online. Retrieved February 10, 2017.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)