Naima al-Said

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Naima al-Said, was an Iraqi women's rights activist. [1] She belonged to the pioneer generation of the first organized women's movement in Iraq.

Naima al-Said was married to Prime Minister Nuri al-Said.

In 1923 she was one of the group of sixty elite women to became one of the co-founders of the first women's organization in Iraq, the Women's Awakening Club, and served as its vice president. [2] The Women's Awakening Club campaigned against seclusion and for women's education and professional life. Naima al-Said stated:

"It is clear that a nation cannot achieve progress unless men and women cooperate, and women can not help men unless they are educated... Some people i the east mistakenly consider women to be incapable of undertaking any useful projects... I hope we can prove by the success of this Club the fallacy of such thinking." [3]


  1. Al-Ali, N., Pratt, N. (2009). What Kind of Liberation? Women and the Occupation of Iraq. Ukraina: University of California Press.
  2. Al-Tamimi, H. (2019). Women and Democracy in Iraq: Gender, Politics and Nation-Building. Indien: Bloomsbury Publishing.
  3. Al-Ali, N., Pratt, N. (2009). What Kind of Liberation? Women and the Occupation of Iraq. Ukraina: University of California Press. p.23