Nasim Khaksar

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Nasim Khaksar, November 2014. Nasim Khaksar, Zamaneh Media - Nov 17, 2014.jpg
Nasim Khaksar, November 2014.

Nasim Khaksar is an Iranian writer. He fled Iran to live in the Netherlands.



Nasim was born on January 1, 1944, the southern city of Abadan. Upon receiving his teaching certification from colleges in Esfahan and Hamadan, he taught in villages in the Abadan and Boyer-Ahmad County of southern Iran until his arrest for political activity in 1968. [1]

Nasim served two prison terms amounting to 8 years. [2] He began writing fiction in 1966. He writes short stories, novels, plays, poetry, criticism, and travel literature. Among his works, are two collections of his short stories, The Grocer of Kharzeville and Between Two Doors, both of which have been translated and published in Dutch as well as his novel Windmills and Lashes. [3] Also, collections of his plays, Under the Roof and an account of his travels to Tajikistan also translated and published in Dutch in the Netherlands. In addition to those, a number of his stories, plays and articles have been translated into German, English, French, and Swedish. Obliged to leave Iran after the revolution, Nasim currently lives in the Netherlands. Since he began his life in exile, he has been an articulate voice for the experiences of millions of Iranians who had to adjust to life in unfamiliar lands. He has been particularly adept at demonstrating the feelings of disassociation, loss of language, and the inability to express oneself and one's feelings that accompany the experience of exile. Books published in Dutch 1-De Kruidenier van Kharzavil ( Verhalen) Story 2-Reis naar Tadzijkistan ( Reis Verhaal) Travel book 3-Weerhanen en Zeepslagen ( Roman) 4-Tussen twee deuren ( Verhalen) Story 5- Onder Dak, Sterren op aarde, De laatste Brief( Toneelteksten) Play


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