Nathalie Richard

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Nathalie Richard
Born (1963-01-06) 6 January 1963 (age 62)
Years active1983–present

Nathalie Richard (born 6 January 1963) is a French actress.


Life and career

Richard was born in Paris, France. As a child, Nathalie Richard practised dance and ice-skating. [1] She spent a year in New York with the Karole Armitage company, returning to join the Conservatoire national supérieur d'art dramatique [1] and graduating in 1986. Since then she has worked regularly in both cinema and theatre, her first major role being Viviane in Catherine Corsini's Les Amoureux in 1993.

In 2018, alongside Liza Blanchard she took one of the principal roles in the staging of Anne Théron[ clarification needed ], created at the TNS of the play À la trace of Alexandra Badea which explores mother-daughter relations. [2] The performance, in dialogue with pre-recorded audio-visual projections, was lauded by the press., [3] breaking down the barriers between theatre and film. [4]

She received the Prix Michel Simon film prize for most promising actress/actor for her role in the 1988 Jacques Rivette film Gang of Four .



1986 Window Shopping La coiffeuse #6
1987Le Panorama
1988 La bande des quatre CécileMichel-Simon Prize 1989 (for Most Promising Actress)
1989 Winter's Child Leni
1989La Jalousieshort
1990 Monsieur L'hôtesse d'accueil
1990 Les dernières heures du millénaire
1991Cendrillon 90short
1991 Bar des rails Monique, the waitress
1992 Riens du tout Claire
1992 Interdit d'amour Mme Brémonttelevision film
1992Weep No More, My LadyAlicia
1992 C'est trop con! Jeanneshort
1993 Grand bonheur Charly
1993Légendes de la forêt viennoise
1993Le linge saleshort
1994 Les amoureux Viviane
1994 Jeanne la Pucelle II - Les prisons Catherine de la RochelleCut version did not include her scene
1994 Comme un dimanche short
1995 Up, Down, Fragile (Haut bas fragile)Ninonthird film for Rivette
1995Le Soleil a promis de se lever demainshort
1995 Lumière and Company (Lumière et compagnie)Ninonsection directed by Rivette
1996 Irma Vep Zoé
1996 L'éducatrice Louise
199651 raisonsshort
1996 Youth Without God (Jeunesse sans Dieu)
1997 La vie en face Clairetelevision film
1997 Eau douce Marianne
1998 Les Enfants de Scarlett Kate
1998 Late August, Early September (Fin août, début septembre)Maryelle
1998 A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries Mademoiselle Fournier
1998 Stolen Life (Voleur de vie)Yann's wife
1999Afraid of EverythingAnne
1999Bruno n'a pas d'agentshort
1999Le pourboire (ou la pitié)Béatriceshort
2000 Confusion of Genders (La Confusion des genres)Laurence Albertini
2000 30 Years Barbara
2000 Pretend I'm Not Here (Faites comme si je n'étais pas là)Carole
2000 Modern Comforts (Confort moderne)Irène
2000 Code Unknown (Code inconnu)Mathilde
2000La famille médicamentLa mèreshort
2001Mon meilleur amourCorinneshort
2001 L'hiver sera rude Solange
2001 They Call This... Spring (On appelle ça... le printemps)A naiad
2002 Merci Docteur Rey Radio Interviewer
2002Froid comme l'étéClairetelevision film
2002 Nearest to Heaven (Au plus près du paradis)Brigitte
2002 Novo Sabine
2002ÉtrangèreLa serveuse
2003Les visagesshort
2003 Le Divorce Charlotte de Persand
2003La chaîne du froidClientshort
2003 Le ventre de Juliette Fafa
2005 The Passenger Suzanne
2005 Belhorizon Isabelle
2005 Zim and Co. Zim's mother
2005 Caché Mathilde
2005 Les enfants Hélène
2006 Le Pressentiment Gabrielle Charmes-Aicquart
2007 Parc Hélène Clou
2008 Le Plaisir de chant Noémie
2009 Une petite zone de turbulences Psychiatrist
2010 Never Let Me Go Madame
2012 Les Fraises des bois The mother of Violette
2013 Jeune and Jolie Véronique
2013 Violette Hermine
2015 The Great Game (Le Grand Jeu)Pauline
2017 Ma vie avec James Dean Sylvia van den Roodthird film for Choisy
2017 Les Garçons sauvages Teacher
2017 Happy End Estate agentthird film for Haneke
2020 After Love Geneviève
2022 Neneh Superstar Jeanne-Marie Meursault
2023 She Is Conann Conann (Age 55)
2023 Doppelgänger Helga Steiner
2023 A Place to Fight For (Une zone à défendre)Séverine
2023 The Animal Kingdom Professor Valérie Beaudoin


2000 Scénario sur la drogue La mère"Famille médicament, La"
2005 3 femmes... un soir d'été Isabelle
2022 Irma Vep OndineEpisode 3 'Dead Man's Escape' (fourth film for Assayas)
