National Intelligence Service

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The National Intelligence Service is the name of several state security agencies:


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<span class="mw-page-title-main">National Intelligence Centre (Spain)</span> Spanish official intelligence agency

The National Intelligence Centre is the Spanish official intelligence agency, acting as both its foreign and domestic intelligence agency. Its headquarters are located next to the A-6 motorway near Madrid. The CNI is the successor of the Centro Superior de Información de la Defensa, the Higher Centre for Defence Intelligence. Its main target areas are North Africa and South America and it operates in more than 80 countries. CNI's official budget for 2021 is approximately 300 million euros.

A security agency is a governmental organization that conducts intelligence activities for the internal security of a nation. They are the domestic cousins of foreign intelligence agencies, and typically conduct counterintelligence to thwart other countries' foreign intelligence efforts.

Central Nacional de Inteligencia was one of the many intelligence agencies of Argentina. Its main mission was to permanently assist and coordinate the functions and operations of all the Argentine intelligence services.

Escuela Nacional de Inteligencia is the national intelligence academy of the Argentine Republic. It depends on the Secretaría de Inteligencia, the main intelligence agency; and it is a depending suborganization of the National Intelligence System.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Secretariat of Intelligence</span> Former Argentinian Intelligence agency

Secretariat of Intelligence was the premier intelligence agency of the Argentine Republic and head of its National Intelligence System.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sistema de Inteligencia Nacional</span>

Sistema de Inteligencia Nacional is the official denomination of the Argentine national intelligence community.

Dirección Nacional de Inteligencia Criminal is an Argentine intelligence agency, part of the National Intelligence System. It used to depend on the Secretaría de Seguridad Interior, which itself depends on the Ministry of Interior; currently, the DNIC depends from the National Ministry of Security. The DNIC is not a division of the Secretaría de Inteligencia (SIDE), which has its own Directorate of Interior Intelligence.

Inteligencia de la Gendarmería Nacional Argentina is the intelligence service of the Argentine National Gendarmerie, commonly referred as SIGN inside of the Intelligence Secretariat.

Inteligencia del Servicio Penitenciario Federal is the intelligence agency of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Argentina, and it is controlled by the Ministry of Justice.

A sign is an entity which indicates another entity.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units</span>

The Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units is an international organization that facilitates cooperation and intelligence sharing between national financial intelligence units (FIUs) to investigate and prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. National FIUs collect information on suspicious or unusual financial activity and are responsible for processing and analyzing the information received. FIUs are normally not law enforcement agencies themselves, findings are shared with appropriate law enforcement or prosecution bodies if sufficient evidence of unlawful activity is found. The Egmont Group is headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

General Intelligence Directorate may refer to:

The Agencia Nacional de Inteligencia (ANI) is the Chilean government national intelligence agency. Created in 2004, its mission is to coordinate, and advise the President on, intelligence. It is attached administratively to the Ministry of the Interior. Its current director is Gonzalo Yuseff Quiroz. The previous director was Gustavo Villalobos, who was also the last director of Directorate of Public Security and Information. ANI's budget is approximately US$4 million.

Servicio de Inteligencia del Ejército is the Argentine Army's intelligence agency. It is a division of J-2 and reports to the Army's Jefatura II.

Servicio de Inteligencia Naval is the intelligence agency of the Argentine Navy. It is part of J-2 and of the General Staff of the Navy, and its current director is Vice Admiral IM Enrique Salvador Olmedo. Its duties include gathering naval intelligence relevant to Argentina.

Servicio de Inteligencia de la Fuerza Aérea is the intelligence agency of the Argentine Air Force. It is part of J-2. Its director is Commodore García.

National Intelligence Agency may refer to