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In cardiology neocardiogenesis is the homeostatic regeneration, repair and renewal of sections of malfunctioning adult cardiovascular tissue. This includes a combination of cardiomyogenesis (the regeneration of cardiac muscle) and angiogenesis (the regeneration of blood vessels). [1]


Definition and scope

The term neocardiogenesis comes from cardiogenesis, which refers to the development of the heart in the embryo; neocardiogenesis, in turn, means the development of the heart in adults. The heart has mechanisms already in place that are responsible for small scale repair. However, these repair mechanisms are not sufficient for large scale repair, made necessary by events such as myocardial infarctions. Neocardiogenesis replaces dead cardiac muscle cells with living cells so that both the structure and function of the heart are maintained. This improves myocardial pumping of fluid around the body. [2]


The human heart has been thought of as a postmitotic organ. Cardiomyocytes (muscle cells of the heart) were thought to be terminally differentiated cells that were irreplaceable and thus required to maintain cardiac function throughout life. However it is now known that the heart is able to regenerate new small vessels needed to repair an ischemic (lacking blood) myocardium. The belief that humans are born with a fixed number of cardiomyocytes, and that the growth of these cells was directly responsible for the growth of the heart, has also been disproven. [3] Reports of the heart's ability to repair itself have started to appear in peer reviewed journals [4] and a paper has been published that has shown the potential of bone marrow cells to regenerate myocardium (myogenesis). [5] Other studies into the regeneration of myocardium have reported evidence of angiogenesis, [6] although such studies have been found to contain discrepancies. [7]

It has been reported that improvement in heart contractility has occurred as a result of the induction of angiogenesis. [8]


The activation of cardiac progenitor cells (a special type of stem cell with long telomeres located in the storage areas of the heart) and circulating stem cells induce cardiomyocytes to proliferate. These cells are activated by a mixture of transcriptional factors, genes, growth factors, receptors, the extracellular matrix and signalling pathways. The cells then move to affected areas where they can reverse some of the damage by generating a new population of cardiomyocytes. [9]

Features of progenitor cells and stem cells STEM CELLS AND PROGENITOR CELLS.jpg
Features of progenitor cells and stem cells

Clinical importance

The heart has the potential to repair itself when damaged using progenitor and stem cells. [10] Clinical trials have shown that heart muscle has not previously been able to regenerate itself. New noninvasive drugs, which may make this possible in humans, are required to induce the cardiac myocytes to proliferate. Studies have been done in an attempt to find such a treatment. [11]

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Cellular cardiomyoplasty, or cell-based cardiac repair, is a new potential therapeutic modality in which progenitor cells are used to repair regions of damaged or necrotic myocardium. The ability of transplanted progenitor cells to improve function within the failing heart has been shown in experimental animal models and in some human clinical trials. In November 2011, a large group of collaborators at Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation at Abbott Northwestern found no significant difference in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) or other markers, between a group of patients treated with cellular cardiomyoplasty and a group of control patients. In this study, all patients were post MI, post percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and that infusion of progenitor cells occurred 2–3 weeks after intervention. In a study that is currently underway, however, more positive results were being reported: In the SCIPIO trial, patients treated with autologous cardiac stem cells post MI have been reported to be showing statistically significant increases in LVEF and reduction in infarct size over the control group at four months after implant. Positive results at the one-year mark are even more pronounced. Yet the SCIPIO trial "was recently called into question". Harvard University is "now investigating the integrity of some of the data". The Lancet recently published a non-specific ‘Expression of concern’ about the paper. Subsequently, another preclinical study also raised doubts on the rationale behind using this special kind of cell, as it was found that the special cells only have a minimal ability in generating new cardiomyocytes. Some specialists therefore now raise concerns to continue.

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Human engineered cardiac tissues (hECTs) are derived by experimental manipulation of pluripotent stem cells, such as human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and, more recently, human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) to differentiate into human cardiomyocytes. Interest in these bioengineered cardiac tissues has risen due to their potential use in cardiovascular research and clinical therapies. These tissues provide a unique in vitro model to study cardiac physiology with a species-specific advantage over cultured animal cells in experimental studies. hECTs also have therapeutic potential for in vivo regeneration of heart muscle. hECTs provide a valuable resource to reproduce the normal development of human heart tissue, understand the development of human cardiovascular disease (CVD), and may lead to engineered tissue-based therapies for CVD patients.

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Annarosa Leri is a medical doctor and former associate professor at Harvard University. Along with former professor Piero Anversa, Leri was engaged in biomedical research at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School. Since at least 2003 Anversa and Leri had investigated the ability of the heart to regenerate damaged cells using cardiac stem cells.

Milica Radisic is a Serbian Canadian tissue engineer, academic and researcher. She is a Professor at the University of Toronto’s Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, and the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. She co-founded TARA Biosystems and is a senior scientist at the Toronto General Hospital Research Institute.

Cardiomyocyte proliferation refers to the ability of cardiac muscle cells to progress through the cell cycle and continue to divide. Traditionally, cardiomyocytes were believed to have little to no ability to proliferate and regenerate after birth. Although other types of cells, such as gastrointestinal epithelial cells, can proliferate and differentiate throughout life, cardiac tissue contains little intrinsic ability to proliferate, as adult human cells arrest in the cell cycle. However, a recent paradigm shift has occurred. Recent research has demonstrated that human cardiomyocytes do proliferate to a small extent for the first two decades of life. Also, cardiomyocyte proliferation and regeneration has been demonstrated to occur in various neonatal mammals in response to injury in the first week of life. Current research aims to further understand the biological mechanism underlying cardiomyocyte proliferation in hopes to turn this capability back on in adults in order to combat heart disease.


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