Nepheline-bearing diorite

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Nepheline-bearing diorite is an intrusive rock with a composition intermediate between diorite and nepheline diorite. It is defined in the QAPF classification as coarse-grained igneous rock in which feldspathoids makes up 0% to 10% of the QAPF mineral fraction and are predominantly nepheline; plagioclase makes up 90% or more of the total feldspar content; and the plagioclase is sodium-rich (%An < 50). [1] [2] [3]

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Nepheline-bearing gabbro is an intrusive rock with a composition intermediate between gabbro and nepheline gabbro. It is defined in the QAPF classification as coarse-grained igneous rock in which feldspathoids makes up 0% to 10% of the QAPF mineral fraction and are predominantly nepheline; plagioclase makes up 90% or more of the total feldspar content; and the plagioclase is calcium-rich.

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Quartz monzogabbro is an intrusive rock intermediate between quartz gabbro and quartz monzonite. Under the QAPF classification, it is an intrusive rock in which quartz makes up 5% to 20% of the QAPF mineral fraction, plagioclase makes up 65% to 90% of the total feldspar content, and the plagioclase is calcium-rich.

Monzodiorite is an intrusive rock with a composition intermediate between diorite and monzonite. It is defined in the QAPF classification as coarse-grained igneous rock in which quartz makes up 0% to 5% of the QAPF mineral fraction, plagioclase makes up 65% to 90% of the total feldspar content, and the plagioclase is sodium-rich.


  1. Le Bas, M. J.; Streckeisen, A. L. (1991). "The IUGS systematics of igneous rocks". Journal of the Geological Society. 148 (5): 825–833. Bibcode:1991JGSoc.148..825L. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1144/gsjgs.148.5.0825. S2CID   28548230.
  2. "Rock Classification Scheme - Vol 1 - Igneous" (PDF). British Geological Survey: Rock Classification Scheme. 1: 1–52. 1999.
  3. Philpotts, Anthony R.; Ague, Jay J. (2009). Principles of igneous and metamorphic petrology (2nd ed.). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 139–143. ISBN   978-0-521-88006-0.