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Chief Niumataiwalu
Spouse(s) Tarau of Totoya

Niumataiwalu was a Fijian high chief. [1]


The name Niumataiwalu, translated as "I came first to Walu beach", was in memory of Naosara.[ citation needed ]



Fijian legend has it that Niumataiwalu was renowned not only for his valour in battle but also for his beauty. Young man carrying fruit of a breadfruit tree, Fiji, ca.1900-1930.jpg
Fijian legend has it that Niumataiwalu was renowned not only for his valour in battle but also for his beauty.

Niumataiwalu's father, Delaivugalei, was the brother of Qoma, whose father was Kalouyalewa. Niumataiwalu had three wives and multiple children; his recorded wives and children, in order of seniority, were:

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  1. K Vuataki (2013). Softly Fiji. "Learn of the original worship of the father and the son in Fiji."
  2. "Genealogy". Archived from the original on 8 August 2018. Retrieved 20 October 2017.
  3. On the Meaning of Kalou and the Origin of Fijian Temples
  4. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum.

Further reading