Noise-domain reflectometry

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Noise-domain reflectometry is a type of reflectometry where the reflectometer exploits existing data signals on wiring and does not have to generate any signals itself. [1] Noise-domain reflectometry, like time-domain and spread-spectrum time domain reflectometers, is most often used in identifying the location of wire faults in electrical lines.

Time-domain reflectometers work by generating a signal and then sending that signal down the wireline and examining the reflected signal. [2] Noise-domain reflectometers (NDRs) provide the benefit of locating wire faults without introducing an external signal because the NDR examines the existing signals on the line to identify wire faults. This technique is particularly useful in the testing of live wires where data integrity on the wires is critical. For example, NDRs can be used for monitoring aircraft wiring while in flight.

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Cynthia M. Furse is an American electrical engineer, the director of graduate studies and a distinguished professor in the University of Utah Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering. Her research involves the use of finite-difference time-domain methods in computational simulations of the absorption and reflection of radio waves by other materials, with applications including the use of spread-spectrum time-domain reflectometry to diagnose aircraft wiring systems, the design of antennae in medical implants, and the effects of cell phone emissions on the human body. Her publications also include works on engineering education.


  1. Lo, Chet & Furse, Cynthia (February 2005). "Noise-Domain Reflectometry for Locating Wire Faults" (PDF). IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. 47 (1). via 97–104. doi:10.1109/TEMC.2004.842109. S2CID   10421959. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2010-07-03. Retrieved April 4, 2013.
  2. Smith, Paul; Furse, Cynthia; Gunther, Jacob (December 2005). "Analysis of Spread Spectrum Time Domain Reflectometry for Wire Fault Location" (PDF). IEEE Sensors Journal. 5 (6). via 1469. Bibcode:2005ISenJ...5.1469S. doi:10.1109/JSEN.2005.858964. S2CID   12576432. Archived (PDF) from the original on April 4, 2013. Retrieved April 4, 2013.