Office of the Federal Coordinator for Gulf Coast Rebuilding

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The Office of the Federal Coordinator for Gulf Coast Rebuilding was created by U.S. President George W. Bush in 2005 to devise a long-term plan for the rebuilding of the region devastated by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Its mission is based on a strategy focused on a set of prioritized, integrated and long-term initiatives to rebuild the region better than it was before. [1] [2]

Created by Executive Order by President Bush after an inadequate response to Hurricane Katrina by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the office was established by Federal Coordinator Donald E. Powell and Deputy Federal Coordinator Jodey Arrington. [3] In their first year in the Gulf, Powell and Arrington helped secure and oversee over $120 billion in funding for infrastructure and assistance.

The aims the office seeks to achieve are:

Restore long-term safety and security
Renew the region’s economy and create growth opportunities
Revitalize communities

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  1. Office of the Press Secretary (November 1, 2005). "Executive Order Establishment of a Coordinator of Federal Support for the Recovery and Rebuilding of the Gulf Coast Region". . Washington, D.C.: White House . Retrieved April 11, 2017.
  2. Office of the Press Secretary (November 4, 2005). "Establishment of a Coordinator of Federal Support for the Recovery and Rebuilding of the Gulf Coast Region". Federal Register . Washington, D.C.: Federal Government of the United States. Archived from the original on September 12, 2016. Retrieved April 11, 2017. Alt URL
  3. Donald Powell's testimony before Senate Subcommittee on Disaster Recovery Archived from the original 2012-04-04.