Oracle metadata

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Oracle Database provides information about all of the tables, views, columns, and procedures in a database. This information about information is known as metadata. [1] It is stored in two locations: data dictionary tables (accessed via built-in views) and a metadata registry.


Other relational database management systems support an ANSI-standard equivalent called information schema.

Views for metadata

The total number of these views depends on the Oracle version, but is in a 1000 range.

The main built-in views accessing Oracle RDBMS data dictionary tables are few, and are as follows:

In addition there are equivalent views prefixed "USER_" which show only the objects owned by the current user (i.e. a more restricted view of metadata) and prefixed "DBA_" which show all objects in the database (i.e. an unrestricted global view of metadata for the database instance). Naturally the access to "DBA_" metadata views requires specific privileges.

Example 1: finding tables

Find all Tables that have PATTERN in the table name


Example 2: finding columns

Find all tables that have at least one column that matches a specific PATTERN in the column name


Example 3: counting rows of columns

Estimate a total number of rows in all tables containing a column name that matches PATTERN (this is SQL*Plus specific script)


Note that NUM_ROWS records the number of rows which were in a table when (and if) it was last analyzed. This will most likely deviate from the actual number of rows currently in the table.

Example 4: finding view columns

Find view columns

SELECTTABLE_NAME,column_name,decode(c.DATA_TYPE,'VARCHAR2',c.DATA_TYPE||'('||c.DATA_LENGTH||')','NUMBER',DECODE(c.data_precision,NULL,c.DATA_TYPE,0,c.DATA_TYPE,c.DATA_TYPE||'('||c.data_precision||DECODE(c.data_scale,NULL,')',0,')',', '||c.data_scale||')')),c.DATA_TYPE)data_typeFROMcolsc,objoWHEREc.TABLE_NAME=o.object_nameANDo.object_type='VIEW'ANDc.table_nameLIKE'%PATTERN%'ORDERBYc.table_name,c.column_id;

Warning: This is incomplete with respect to multiple datatypes including char, varchar and timestamp and uses extremely old, deprecated dictionary views, back to oracle 5.

Use of underscore in table and column names

The underscore is a special SQL pattern match to a single character and should be escaped if you are in fact looking for an underscore character in the LIKE clause of a query.

Just add the following after a LIKE statement:


And then each literal underscore should be a double underscore: __


 LIKE '%__G' ESCAPE '_'

Oracle Metadata Registry

The Oracle product Oracle Enterprise Metadata Manager (EMM) is an ISO/IEC 11179 compatible metadata registry. It stores administered metadata in a consistent format that can be used for metadata publishing. In January 2006, EMM was available only through Oracle consulting services.

See also

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 => SELECT count(table_name) FROM information_schema.tables;  count   -------  99    => SELECT column_name, data_type, column_default, is_nullable  FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='alpha';  column_name | data_type | column_default | is_nullable   -------------+-----------+----------------+-------------  foo | integer | | YES  bar | character | | YES    => SELECT * FROM information_schema.information_schema_catalog_name;  catalog_name   --------------  johnd  

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  1. "Communications Data Model Implementation and Operations Guide". Retrieved 2022-07-05.