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A mosaic in the London Underground depicting a woman being attacked by birds, from the 1963 horror movie The Birds Leytonstone tube station - Hitchcock Gallery- The Birds (1963) (geograph 4081902).jpg
A mosaic in the London Underground depicting a woman being attacked by birds, from the 1963 horror movie The Birds

Ornithophobia is the abnormal and irrational fear of birds, as well as a type of specific phobia. [1] [2] The term may also refer to strong dislike of birds. People with ornithophobia are often afraid of specific types of birds, for example chickens, ducks, and/or pest birds in grain-producing areas. [3]

The prefix ornitho- signifies "of or pertaining to birds", from Ancient Greek ὄρνις (órnis, "bird").

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Blood phobia is an extreme irrational fear of blood, a type of specific phobia. Severe cases of this fear can cause physical reactions that are uncommon in most other fears, specifically vasovagal syncope (fainting). Similar reactions can also occur with trypanophobia and traumatophobia. For this reason, these phobias are categorized as blood-injection-injury phobia by the DSM-IV. Some early texts refer to this category as "blood-injury-illness phobia."

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Masklophobia is a specific phobia used to classify a general and in some cases an irrational fear of masks, people in costumed clothing and mascots which is common among toddlers and young children. The common cause for masklophobia is not known. Coulrophobia can sometimes be associated with masklophobia.


  1. London, Louis S. (January 1952). "Ailurophobia and ornithophobia". The Psychiatric Quarterly. 26 (1): 365–371. doi:10.1007/BF01568473. PMID   14949213. S2CID   1726994.
  2. Irena Milosevic; Randi E. McCabe (3 March 2015). Phobias: The Psychology of Irrational Fear. ABC-CLIO. p. 252. ISBN   978-1-61069-576-3.
  3. Bonta, Mark (2008). "Valorizing the relationships between people and birds: Experiences and lessons from Honduras". Ornitologia Neotropical. 19 (Supplement): 1–10.