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Overlinking in a webpage or other hyperlinked text is having too many hyperlinks (links). [1] [2]

It is characterized by:

The opposites of overlinking are "null linking" and "underlinking", which are phenomena in which hyperlinks are reduced to such a degree as to remove all pointers to a likely-needed context of an unusual term, in the text-area where the term occurs. [2] This results in reader frustration. Underlinking results whenever a reader encounters an odd term in an article (perhaps not even for the first time) and wants to briefly browse more deeply at that point, but finds they cannot, but rather is required to conduct an extensive search far up near the beginning of the article, in order to locate the only instance of the word or term being linked— or perhaps even to find that it hasn't been linked at all.[ citation needed ]

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  1. "PCMag.com Encyclopedia". PC Magazine. Archived from the original on 2012-06-14. Retrieved 2007-01-19.
  2. 1 2 Dvorak, John C. (April 2002). "Missing Links". PC Magazine.