P.Yale 1 inv. 419

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The P.Yale 1 inv. 419 (also Rahlfs 814, VH 12, TM 61924) is a septuagint manuscript of the biblical Book of Genesis. This is possibly the oldest fragment of Genesis written on papyrus in koine Greek. It is paleographically dated to the early 2nd century CE. [1]



This manuscript came from Cairo, Egypt, and in 1964, it was published by C. Bradford Weller. The manuscript was in the form of a Codex with 14 x 9.7 cm. [2]


The text contains part of the book of Genesis according to the Septuagint. On the recto it contains Genesis 14 5-8 and on the verso Genesis 14 12–15. [3] This may be the oldest Christian manuscript that attests to the codex form. [4]

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