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PCI Geomatica is a remote sensing and photogrammetry desktop software package for processing earth observation data, designed by the PCI Geomatics company. The latest version of the software is Geomatica 2018. Geomatica is aimed primarily at faster data processing and allows users to load satellite and aerial imagery where advanced analysis can be performed. Geomatica has been used by many educational institutions and scientific programs throughout the world to analyze satellite imagery and trends, such as the GlobeSAR Program, a program which was carried out by the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing in the 1990s.
A very popular edition of Geomatica is known as Freeview, which permits users to load multiple types of satellite images as well as geospatial data that is stored in different formats. The software is available for download over the web, and has registered several thousands of downloads.
Geomatica is one of several software packages available to the educational, commercial, and military users. Other similar packages include Erdas Imagine, Envi, and SocetSet (or Socet GXP). An independent review of the software and its functionality written by Directions Magazine is included here: http://www.directionsmag.com/articles/product-review-pci146s-geomatica-10/123136. Geomatica has also been compared to Envi and Erdas Imagine as it relates to orthorectification. http://www.isprs.org/proceedings/XXXVII/congress/4_pdf/283.pdf
Over 2,700 educational institutions worldwide have used Geomatica as part of their Remote Sensing course delivery, some of which are listed here
Geomatica includes a web coverage service interface that complies with the OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS) Interface Standard, which is a key area in which PCI Geomatics has contributed. Remote Sensing data providers distribute data in diverse formats, which makes sharing information across many different platforms challenging. WCS seeks to alleviate some of the data sharing challenges by publishing the geographic information and layers openly over the web.
Geomatica adheres to open standards to promote sharing and collaboration of earth observation data. An SDK that makes the PCIDSK file format available to the community is available through the GDAL website here: https://archive.today/20130414193214/http://home.gdal.org/projects/pcidsk/
Leica Geosystems based in eastern Switzerland produces products and systems for surveying and geographical measurement (geomatics). Its products employ a variety of technologies including GPS satellite navigation and laser rangefinders to enable users to model existing structures, terrains in computer based systems to high accuracies, often under 1 cm.
Geomatics is defined in the ISO/TC 211 series of standards as the "discipline concerned with the collection, distribution, storage, analysis, processing, presentation of geographic data or geographic information". Under another definition, it consists of products, services and tools involved in the collection, integration and management of geographic (geospatial) data. It is also known as geomatic(s) engineering. Surveying engineering was the widely used name for geomatic(s) engineering in the past.
Photogrammetry is the science and technology of obtaining reliable information about physical objects and the environment through the process of recording, measuring and interpreting photographic images and patterns of electromagnetic radiant imagery and other phenomena.
An orthophoto, orthophotograph, orthoimage or orthoimagery is an aerial photograph or satellite imagery geometrically corrected ("orthorectified") such that the scale is uniform: the photo or image follows a given map projection. Unlike an uncorrected aerial photograph, an orthophoto can be used to measure true distances, because it is an accurate representation of the Earth's surface, having been adjusted for topographic relief, lens distortion, and camera tilt.
Geoinformatics is the science and technology that develop and use data, software, and computing facilities in the cyberinfrastructure ecosystem to address the needs of geosciences and related branches of science and engineering.
A GIS software program is a computer program to support the use of a geographic information system, providing the ability to create, store, manage, query, analyze, and visualize geographic data, that is, data representing phenomena for which location is important. The GIS software industry encompasses a broad range of commercial and open-source products that provide some or all of these capabilities within various information technology architectures.
MrSID is an acronym that stands for multiresolution seamless image database. It is a file format developed and patented by LizardTech for encoding of georeferenced raster graphics, such as orthophotos.
gvSIG, geographic information system (GIS), is a desktop application designed for capturing, storing, handling, analyzing and deploying any kind of referenced geographic information in order to solve complex management and planning problems. gvSIG is known for having a user-friendly interface, being able to access the most common formats, both vector and raster ones. It features a wide range of tools for working with geographic-like information.
The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) is a computer software library for reading and writing raster and vector geospatial data formats, and is released under the permissive X/MIT style free software license by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. As a library, it presents a single abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats. It may also be built with a variety of useful command line interface utilities for data translation and processing. Projections and transformations are supported by the PROJ library.
OpenEV is an open-source geospatial toolkit and a frontend to that toolkit. OpenEV was developed using Python and uses the GDAL library to display georeferenced images and elevation data. The application also has image editing capabilities and uses OpenGL to display elevation data in three-dimensions.
SOCET SET is a software application that performs functions related to photogrammetry. It is developed and published by BAE Systems. SOCET SET was among the first commercial digital photogrammetry software programs. Prior to the development of digital solutions, photogrammetry programs were primarily analog or custom systems built for government agencies.
A remote sensing software is a software application that processes remote sensing data. Remote sensing applications are similar to graphics software, but they enable generating geographic information from satellite and airborne sensor data. Remote sensing applications read specialized file formats that contain sensor image data, georeferencing information, and sensor metadata. Some of the more popular remote sensing file formats include: GeoTIFF, NITF, JPEG 2000, ECW, MrSID, HDF, and NetCDF.
The Open Geospatial Consortium Web Coverage Service Interface Standard (WCS) defines Web-based retrieval of coverages – that is, digital geospatial information representing space/time-varying phenomena.
IMAGINE Photogrammetry is a software application for performing photogrammetric operations on imagery and extracting information from imagery. IMAGINE Photogrammetry is significant because it is a leading commercial photogrammetry application that is used by numerous national mapping agencies, regional mapping authorities, various DOTs, as well as commercial mapping firms. Aside from commercial and government applications, IMAGINE Photogrammetry is widely used in academic research. Research areas include landslide monitoring, cultural heritage studies, and more.
The Remote Sensing Center (RSC) at the Naval Postgraduate School was established to bring together a range of capabilities and expertise to address problems of military and intelligence importance, as well as environmental and civil concerns. It is specialized in a variety of remote sensing technologies designed to enable people to look beyond the range of human vision in range or in spectral perception.
The UNSW School of Surveying and Geospatial Engineering (SAGE), part of the UNSW Faculty of Engineering, was founded in 1970 and disestablished in 2013.
In computer science, Orfeo Toolbox (OTB) is a software library for processing images from Earth observation satellites.
The Faculty of Geodesy and Land Management is one of the sixteen faculties of University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and prepares students to work in the following fields: digital photogrammetry and Internet photogrammetry, close range photogrammetry, engineering geodesy, satellite geodesy, higher geodesy, geomatics and spatial information systems, land management, numerical cartography, cadastral survey and common appraisal, mathematics and mathematical statistics, spatial and archeological reconstruction, positioning and navigation systems, remote sensing and photointerpretation, theory of deterministic chaos in dynamic analyses, theory of environment and real estate evaluation. Students of land management are prepared to work in local governments in the fields of real estate management and turnover, spatial planning, property counselling and expertise. Research on application of global satellite navigation systems, improving methods of acquiring, gathering and processing geodetic and satellite data and their use in special information systems as well as optimizing methods of space management are only a few examples of scientific fields of interest of the faculty employees.
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), an international voluntary consensus standards organization for geospatial content and location-based services, sensor web and Internet of Things, GIS data processing and data sharing. It originated in 1994 and involves more than 500 commercial, governmental, nonprofit and research organizations in a consensus process encouraging development and implementation of open standards.
DAT/EM Systems International is an Alaska-based company that develops digital photogrammetric mapping applications to extract and edit 3D vector terrain and object features from stereo imagery and point clouds. DAT/EM Systems International develops solutions for the photogrammetry, engineering & GIS industries.
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