Pachner moves

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2-3 Pachner move: a union of 2 tetrahedra gets decomposed into 3 tetrahedra. Pachner Move.png
2-3 Pachner move: a union of 2 tetrahedra gets decomposed into 3 tetrahedra.

In topology, a branch of mathematics, Pachner moves, named after Udo Pachner, are ways of replacing a triangulation of a piecewise linear manifold by a different triangulation of a homeomorphic manifold. Pachner moves are also called bistellar flips. Any two triangulations of a piecewise linear manifold are related by a finite sequence of Pachner moves.



Let be the -simplex. is a combinatorial n-sphere with its triangulation as the boundary of the n+1-simplex.

Given a triangulated piecewise linear (PL) n-manifold , and a co-dimension 0 subcomplex together with a simplicial isomorphism , the Pachner move on N associated to C is the triangulated manifold . By design, this manifold is PL-isomorphic to but the isomorphism does not preserve the triangulation.

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