Paolo Magrassi

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Paolo Magrassi is an Italian technologist [1] known as one of the authors [2] of the Supranet concept, the co-creator of the AlphaIC methodology for assessing the value of information technology expenditures, [3] [4] and the manager of the Pontifex project, which in the mid-1980s introduced a novel approach to complex fleet scheduling. [5]

In the early 2000s, Magrassi also was instrumental in introducing to the industrial and business world [6] [7] then-emerging miniature RFID and internet of things technologies such as those proposed by the MIT's Auto-ID Center. [8] [9]

He also published several books, including The Caricature Of A Revolution (2012), Digitalmente confusi (2011), La good-enough society (2010), Difendersi dalla complessità (2009), Il filo conduttore (2006), 2015 Weekend nel futuro (2005), A World Of Smart Objects (2002).


  1. Who's Who in the World 1998, 15th Edition, Marquis, New Providence, NJ
  2. Australian National Training Authority, "Radio Frequency Identity Tags", in Shared Technology: A Road Map for Traditional and Emerging Industries to 2008, Chapter 17, Anta Publishers, Brisbane, Australia, September 2003
  3. F.Frey, S.Williams-Allen, H.Vogl, L.Chandra, "Digital Asset Management: A Closer Look At The Literature", A Research Monograph at the Print Industry Center at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, March 2005
  4. P.Griffiths, D.Remenyi, "Information Technology in Financial Services: A Model for Value Creation", Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluations, 2003 / Issue 2 / paper 12, ACI, Reading, UK
  5. European Commission, Directorate-General XIII – Information Technology, ESPRIT Project Information Services and Summaries, Brussels, 1992
  6. US Patent 7118034: "Systems and methods for package sortation and delivery using radio frequency identification technology", A.Baldassari, D.Anderson, R.Peters (United Parcel Service of America), October 10, 2006
  7. Scientific service of the French Embassy in Norway, Science and Technology In France, N.13, J.B. Gouyon ed., May 2002
  8. P.Magrassi, "E-Tagging: From Niches to the Supranet", Research Note, Gartner, Stamford (CT), USA, 2001.
  9. P.Magrassi, "A World Of Smart Objects: The Role Of Auto Identification Technologies", Strategic Analysis Report, Gartner, Stamford (CT), USA, 2001.