Paranormal operator

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In mathematics, especially operator theory, a paranormal operator is a generalization of a normal operator. More precisely, a bounded linear operator T on a complex Hilbert space H is said to be paranormal if:

for every unit vector x in H.

The class of paranormal operators was introduced by V. Istratescu in 1960s, though the term "paranormal" is probably due to Furuta. [1] [2]

Every hyponormal operator (in particular, a subnormal operator, a quasinormal operator and a normal operator) is paranormal. If T is a paranormal, then Tn is paranormal. [2] On the other hand, Halmos gave an example of a hyponormal operator T such that T2 isn't hyponormal. Consequently, not every paranormal operator is hyponormal. [3]

A compact paranormal operator is normal. [4]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Paul Halmos</span> Hungarian-American mathematician (1916–2006)

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In mathematics, especially operator theory, a hyponormal operator is a generalization of a normal operator. In general, a bounded linear operator T on a complex Hilbert space H is said to be p-hyponormal if:

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In mathematics, Jordan operator algebras are real or complex Jordan algebras with the compatible structure of a Banach space. When the coefficients are real numbers, the algebras are called Jordan Banach algebras. The theory has been extensively developed only for the subclass of JB algebras. The axioms for these algebras were devised by Alfsen, Schultz & Størmer (1978). Those that can be realised concretely as subalgebras of self-adjoint operators on a real or complex Hilbert space with the operator Jordan product and the operator norm are called JC algebras. The axioms for complex Jordan operator algebras, first suggested by Irving Kaplansky in 1976, require an involution and are called JB* algebras or Jordan C* algebras. By analogy with the abstract characterisation of von Neumann algebras as C* algebras for which the underlying Banach space is the dual of another, there is a corresponding definition of JBW algebras. Those that can be realised using ultraweakly closed Jordan algebras of self-adjoint operators with the operator Jordan product are called JW algebras. The JBW algebras with trivial center, so-called JBW factors, are classified in terms of von Neumann factors: apart from the exceptional 27 dimensional Albert algebra and the spin factors, all other JBW factors are isomorphic either to the self-adjoint part of a von Neumann factor or to its fixed point algebra under a period two *-anti-automorphism. Jordan operator algebras have been applied in quantum mechanics and in complex geometry, where Koecher's description of bounded symmetric domains using Jordan algebras has been extended to infinite dimensions.

In mathematics, a singular trace is a trace on a space of linear operators of a separable Hilbert space that vanishes on operators of finite rank. Singular traces are a feature of infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces such as the space of square-summable sequences and spaces of square-integrable functions. Linear operators on a finite-dimensional Hilbert space have only the zero functional as a singular trace since all operators have finite rank. For example, matrix algebras have no non-trivial singular traces and the matrix trace is the unique trace up to scaling.

In mathematics, the commutator subspace of a two-sided ideal of bounded linear operators on a separable Hilbert space is the linear subspace spanned by commutators of operators in the ideal with bounded operators. Modern characterisation of the commutator subspace is through the Calkin correspondence and it involves the invariance of the Calkin sequence space of an operator ideal to taking Cesàro means. This explicit spectral characterisation reduces problems and questions about commutators and traces on two-sided ideals to problems and conditions on sequence spaces.


  1. V. Istratescu. On some hyponormal operators
  2. 1 2 Furuta, Takayuki. On the Class of Paranormal Operators
  3. P.R.Halmos, A Hilbert Space Problem Book 2nd edition, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1982.
  4. Furuta, Takayuki. Certain Convexoid Operators [ permanent dead link ]