Pass-through certificate

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A pass-through certificate [1] is an instrument that evidences ownership in an underlying pool of assets, serving to signify the transfer of interest in favor of the holder. An equipment trust certificate is a specific case. In creating such a pass-through structure, the underlying assets are "bundled" into a pass-through security [2] (also known as a "pay-through security"), where the principal and interest payments are "passed through" to certificate holders. [3] Here, a servicing intermediary collects the monthly payments from issuers and passes them through to the security holders; this for a fee.

Pass-throughs are the basic structure on which securitizations are built; see mortgage-backed security, asset-backed security and collateralized debt obligation. The advantage of these structures is that they serve as a means of diversifying the asset pool and/or increasing the demand for, and size of the offering. At the same time, the investor in a pass-through transaction acquires these rights subject to [1] [3] all their material risks, including prepayments, fluctuations in the asset portfolio, and the risk of interest rate variations.

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Securitization is the financial practice of pooling various types of contractual debt such as residential mortgages, commercial mortgages, auto loans or credit card debt obligations and selling their related cash flows to third party investors as securities, which may be described as bonds, pass-through securities, or collateralized debt obligations (CDOs). Investors are repaid from the principal and interest cash flows collected from the underlying debt and redistributed through the capital structure of the new financing. Securities backed by mortgage receivables are called mortgage-backed securities (MBS), while those backed by other types of receivables are asset-backed securities (ABS).
