Peasant mentality

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The concept of peasant mentality constitutes a widespread traditional characterisation of peasantry, often a disparaging one.

Peasants as a class predominated numerically in most agricultural societies from the time when the Neolithic agricultural revolution took hold until the early modern period. But rulers, movers and shakers tended to come from different social classes, and historiography and social analysis became the preserve of a largely non-peasant social intelligentsia. "Official" attitudes to peasants sometimes scorn them and dismiss their importance as the basis of pre-modern civilisations. Hence the cliché of "the peasant mentality, with its inherent conservatism and apathy towards change". [1]

Richard Stites paints a brighter picture of (for example) Russian peasantry pre-1917:

There certainly was no single peasant mentality ..., but several modes of thought can be identified as peasant, folk, or popular utopia. The peasant village was a world, a system of action, an arena of play, and a unit of moral obligation. Inside the unit, equity, fairness, and charity were supposed to prevail; equality referred to a clear belief that natural resources (water, woodlands, game, meadows) ought to be free for the use of all. [2]

Traces may intrude here of the idealised alternative view of peasant life, fostered by art and literature as a contrast to urban corruption. The romantic pastoral image of peasant existence, dating from at least Hesiod and continuing through Virgil and Rousseau to the concept of the sturdy yeoman, would have peasant mentality as simple, yet genuine, emotional and loving, and idealised as bucolic.[ citation needed ]

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This is a select bibliography of post World War II English language books and journal articles about the Revolutionary and Civil War era of Russian (Soviet) history. The sections "General Surveys" and "Biographies" contain books; other sections contain both books and journal articles. Book entries may have references to reviews published in English language academic journals or major newspapers when these could be considered helpful. Additional bibliographies can be found in many of the book-length works listed below; see Further Reading for several book and chapter length bibliographies. The External Links section contains entries for publicly available select bibliographies from universities.

Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World (1966) is a book by Barrington Moore Jr.


  1. Quoted in: Peasant Studies, Volumes 9-10, Center for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh, 1981, p. 19, retrieved 14 October 2019, ... cliches about 'the peasant mentality, with its inherent conservatism and apathy towards change' persist ...
  2. Stites, Richard (1989). "Social Daydreaming before the Revolution". Revolutionary Dreams: Utopian Vision and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution. New York: Oxford University Press (published 1991). ISBN   9780199878956 . Retrieved 14 October 2019.