Polarized pluralism

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Polarized pluralism is a two-party or multi-party political system which is seen as overly polarized and therefore as dysfunctional. It was originally described by political philosopher Giovanni Sartori to define a system where moderate views are replaced by polarized views. The phrase was used by analyst Roger Cohen writing in the New York Times to describe American politics about energy, [1] but the phrase is not widely used in mainstream newspapers.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Roger Cohen</span> British-American journalist and writer

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  1. Roger Cohen (2010-11-08). "Energy lessons". The New York Times. Retrieved 2010-11-08. Perhaps there's something to treadmill wisdom. We're all so narrow-band these days, using the vast resources of broadband to direct ourselves into a chosen ideological and news tunnel. Polarized pluralism defines us.