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In the theory of functions of several complex variables, a branch of mathematics, a polydisc is a Cartesian product of discs.

More specifically, if we denote by the open disc of center z and radius r in the complex plane, then an open polydisc is a set of the form

It can be equivalently written as

One should not confuse the polydisc with the open ball in Cn, which is defined as

Here, the norm is the Euclidean distance in Cn.

When , open balls and open polydiscs are not biholomorphically equivalent, that is, there is no biholomorphic mapping between the two. This was proven by Poincaré in 1907 by showing that their automorphism groups have different dimensions as Lie groups. [1]

When the term bidisc is sometimes used.

A polydisc is an example of logarithmically convex Reinhardt domain.

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  1. Poincare, H, Les fonctions analytiques de deux variables et la r?epresentation conforme, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo23 (1907), 185-220

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