Polynomial functor (type theory)

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In type theory, a polynomial functor (or container functor) is a kind of endofunctor of a category of types that is intimately related to the concept of inductive and coinductive types. Specifically, all W-types (resp. M-types) are (isomorphic to) initial algebras (resp. final coalgebras) of such functors.


Polynomial functors have been studied in the more general setting of a pretopos with Σ-types; [1] this article deals only with the applications of this concept inside the category of types of a Martin-Löf style type theory.


Let U be a universe of types, let A : U, and let B : AU be a family of types indexed by A. The pair (A, B) is sometimes called a signature [2] or a container. [3] The polynomial functor associated to the container (A, B) is defined as follows: [4] [5] [6]

Any functor naturally isomorphic to P is called a container functor. [7] The action of P on functions is defined by

Note that this assignment is not only truly functorial in extensional type theories (see #Properties).


In intensional type theories, such functions are not truly functors, because the universe type is not strictly a category (the field of homotopy type theory is dedicated to exploring how the universe type behaves more like a higher category). However, it is functorial up to propositional equalities, that is, the following identity types are inhabited:

for any functions f and g and any type X, where is the identity function on the type X. [8]

Inline citations

  1. Moerdijk, Ieke; Palmgren, Erik (2000). "Wellfounded trees in categories". Annals of Pure and Applied Logic. 104 (1–3): 189–218. doi:10.1016/s0168-0072(00)00012-9. hdl: 2066/129036 .
  2. Ahrens, Capriotti & Spadotti 2015, Definition 1.
  3. Abbott, Altenkirch & Ghani 2005, p. 4.
  4. Univalent Foundations Program 2013, Equation 5.4.6.
  5. Ahrens, Capriotti & Spadotti 2015, Definition 2.
  6. Awodey, Gambino & Sojakova 2012, p. 8.
  7. Abbott, Altenkirch & Ghani 2005, p. 10.
  8. Awodey, Gambino & Sojakova 2015.

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Michael "Mike" Shulman is an American associate professor of mathematics at the University of San Diego who works in category theory and higher category theory, homotopy theory, logic as applied to set theory, and computer science.
