Preherpetic neuralgia

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Preherpetic neuralgia is a form of nerve pain (neuralgia) specifically associated with a Shingles (herpes zoster) viral infection. This nerve pain often precedes visible indications of a Shingles infection and consequently can be a key early indicator of a need to begin preventative anti-viral drug therapy. Pain associated with Shingles can be extremely difficult to treat whereas the source is related to the virus attacking the nervous system itself. Pain symptoms can last months or years beyond any outward sign of viral infection and can be quite severe. The combination of extreme pain severity and longevity can contribute to chronic depression and even suicide. [1] [2]


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Judith Breuer is a British virologist who is Professor of Virology and Director of the Pathogen Genomics Unit at University College London. She was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences in 2019. Breuer is part of the United Kingdom genome sequencing team that looks to map the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019.


  1. Gilden, D. H; Dueland, A. N; Cohrs, R; Martin, J. R; Kleinschmidt-Demasters, B. K; Mahalingam, R (1991). "Preherpetic neuralgia". Neurology. 41 (8): 1215–8. doi:10.1212/WNL.41.8.1215. PMID   1866008. S2CID   24539139.
  2. Saguil, A; Kane, S; Mercado, M; Lauters, R (2017). "Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia: Prevention and Management". American Family Physician. 96 (10): 656–663. PMID   29431387.

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