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In law, a prerogative is an exclusive right bestowed by a government or state and invested in an individual or group, the content of which is separate from the body of rights enjoyed under the general law. It was a common facet of feudal law. The word is derived from Old French prerogative (14c.), M.L. prerogativa "special right", from Latin praerogativa "prerogative, previous choice or election", originally (with tribus, centuria) "100 voters who by lot voted first in the Roman comitia", from praerogativus (adj.) "chosen to vote first". [1]



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An exclusive right, or exclusivity, is a de facto, non-tangible prerogative existing in law to perform an action or acquire a benefit and to permit or deny others the right to perform the same action or to acquire the same benefit. A "prerogative" is in effect an exclusive right. The term is restricted for use for official state or sovereign powers. Exclusive rights are a form of monopoly.

Managerial prerogatives are also referred to as the functions and rights of management, is considered as the discretion of the employer or manager on how to manage its business, not bound by collective bargaining. It is a term that easily leads to widespread misunderstanding. Different circles have different interpretations of this term. When it is used in the trade unions circles, is perceived as a user's support for unilateral management power and can cause protests.When used by the management circle, It is considered as exclusive right and control right without interference. Managerial prerogatives give employers or managers the power to control the direction in which their businesses are heading. Employees basically do not have this power.

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The royal prerogative is a body of customary authority, privilege, and immunity recognized in common law as belonging to the sovereign, and which have become widely vested in the government. It is the means by which some of the executive powers of government, possessed by and vested in a monarch with regard to the process of governance of the state, are carried out.

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  1. Douglas Harper. "Online Etymology Dictionary" . Retrieved 30 September 2012.