In computer science, a priority search tree is a tree data structure for storing points in two dimensions. It was originally introduced by Edward M. McCreight. [1] It is effectively an extension of the priority queue with the purpose of improving the search time from O(n) to O(s + log n) time, where n is the number of points in the tree and s is the number of points returned by the search.
The priority search tree is used to store a set of 2-dimensional points ordered by priority and by a key value. This is accomplished by creating a hybrid of a priority queue and a binary search tree.
The result is a tree where each node represents a point in the original dataset. The point contained by the node is the one with the lowest priority. In addition, each node also contains a key value used to divide the remaining points (usually the median of the keys, excluding the point of the node) into a left and right subtree. The points are divided by comparing their key values to the node key, delegating the ones with lower keys to the left subtree, and the ones strictly greater to the right subtree. [2]
The construction of the tree requires O(n log n) time and O(n) space. A construction algorithm is proposed below:
treeconstruct_tree(data){iflength(data)>1{node_point=find_point_with_minimum_priority(data)// Select the point with the lowest priorityreduced_data=remove_point_from_data(data,node_point)node_key=calculate_median(reduced_data)// calculate median, excluding the selected point// Divide the points left_data=[]right_data=[]for(pointinreduced_data){ifpoint.key<=node_keyleft_data.append(point)elseright_data.append(point)}left_subtree=construct_tree(left_data)right_subtree=construct_tree(right_data)returnnode// Node containing the node_key, node_point and the left and right subtrees}elseiflength(data)==1{returnleafnode// Leaf node containing the single remaining data point}elseiflength(data)==0{returnnull// This node is empty}}
The priority search tree can be efficiently queried for a key in a closed interval and for a maximum priority value. That is, one can specify an interval [min_key, max_key] and another interval [-∞, max_priority] and return the points contained within it. This is illustrated in the following pseudo code:
pointssearch_tree(tree,min_key,max_key,max_priority){root=get_root_node(tree)result=[]ifget_child_count(root)>0{ifget_point_priority(root)>max_priorityreturnnull// Nothing interesting will exist in this branch. Returnifmin_key<=get_point_key(root)<=max_key// is the root point one of interest?result.append(get_point(node))ifmin_key<get_node_key(root)// Should we search left subtree?result.append(search_tree(root.left_sub_tree,min_key,max_key,max_priority))ifget_node_key(root)<max_key// Should we search right subtree?result.append(search_tree(root.right_sub_tree,min_key,max_key,max_priority))returnresultelse{// This is a leaf nodeifget_point_priority(root)<max_priorityandmin_key<=get_point_key(root)<=max_key// is leaf point of interest?result.append(get_point(node))}}
In computer science, an AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree (BST). It was the first such data structure to be invented. In an AVL tree, the heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one; if at any time they differ by more than one, rebalancing is done to restore this property. Lookup, insertion, and deletion all take O(log n) time in both the average and worst cases, where is the number of nodes in the tree prior to the operation. Insertions and deletions may require the tree to be rebalanced by one or more tree rotations.
In computer science, a binary search tree (BST), also called an ordered or sorted binary tree, is a rooted binary tree data structure whose internal nodes each store a key greater than all the keys in the node's left subtree and less than those in its right subtree. The time complexity of operations on the binary search tree is directly proportional to the height of the tree.
In computer science, a B-tree is a self-balancing tree data structure that maintains sorted data and allows searches, sequential access, insertions, and deletions in logarithmic time. The B-tree generalizes the binary search tree, allowing for nodes with more than two children. Unlike other self-balancing binary search trees, the B-tree is well suited for storage systems that read and write relatively large blocks of data, such as databases and file systems.
A binary heap is a heap data structure that takes the form of a binary tree. Binary heaps are a common way of implementing priority queues. The binary heap was introduced by J. W. J. Williams in 1964, as a data structure for heapsort.
In computer science, the treap and the randomized binary search tree are two closely related forms of binary search tree data structures that maintain a dynamic set of ordered keys and allow binary searches among the keys. After any sequence of insertions and deletions of keys, the shape of the tree is a random variable with the same probability distribution as a random binary tree; in particular, with high probability its height is proportional to the logarithm of the number of keys, so that each search, insertion, or deletion operation takes logarithmic time to perform.
In computer science, tree traversal is a form of graph traversal and refers to the process of visiting each node in a tree data structure, exactly once. Such traversals are classified by the order in which the nodes are visited. The following algorithms are described for a binary tree, but they may be generalized to other trees as well.
In computer science, a search tree is a tree data structure used for locating specific keys from within a set. In order for a tree to function as a search tree, the key for each node must be greater than any keys in subtrees on the left, and less than any keys in subtrees on the right.
A B+ tree is an m-ary tree with a variable but often large number of children per node. A B+ tree consists of a root, internal nodes and leaves. The root may be either a leaf or a node with two or more children.
In computer science, a scapegoat tree is a self-balancing binary search tree, invented by Arne Andersson in 1989 and again by Igal Galperin and Ronald L. Rivest. It provides worst-case lookup time and amortized insertion and deletion time.
In computer science, an interval tree is a tree data structure to hold intervals. Specifically, it allows one to efficiently find all intervals that overlap with any given interval or point. It is often used for windowing queries, for instance, to find all roads on a computerized map inside a rectangular viewport, or to find all visible elements inside a three-dimensional scene. A similar data structure is the segment tree.
An AA tree in computer science is a form of balanced tree used for storing and retrieving ordered data efficiently. AA trees are named after Arne Andersson, the one who theorized them.
In computer science, a k-d tree is a space-partitioning data structure for organizing points in a k-dimensional space. k-d trees are a useful data structure for several applications, such as searches involving a multidimensional search key and creating point clouds. k-d trees are a special case of binary space partitioning trees.
In computer science, a leftist tree or leftist heap is a priority queue implemented with a variant of a binary heap. Every node x has an s-value which is the distance to the nearest leaf in subtree rooted at x. In contrast to a binary heap, a leftist tree attempts to be very unbalanced. In addition to the heap property, leftist trees are maintained so the right descendant of each node has the lower s-value.
A skew heap is a heap data structure implemented as a binary tree. Skew heaps are advantageous because of their ability to merge more quickly than binary heaps. In contrast with binary heaps, there are no structural constraints, so there is no guarantee that the height of the tree is logarithmic. Only two conditions must be satisfied:
In computer science, a Cartesian tree is a binary tree derived from a sequence of numbers; it can be uniquely defined from the properties that it is heap-ordered and that a symmetric (in-order) traversal of the tree returns the original sequence. Introduced by Vuillemin (1980) in the context of geometric range searching data structures, Cartesian trees have also been used in the definition of the treap and randomized binary search tree data structures for binary search problems. The Cartesian tree for a sequence may be constructed in linear time using a stack-based algorithm for finding all nearest smaller values in a sequence.
In computer science and probability theory, a random binary tree is a binary tree selected at random from some probability distribution on binary trees. Two different distributions are commonly used: binary trees formed by inserting nodes one at a time according to a random permutation, and binary trees chosen from a uniform discrete distribution in which all distinct trees are equally likely. It is also possible to form other distributions, for instance by repeated splitting. Adding and removing nodes directly in a random binary tree will in general disrupt its random structure, but the treap and related randomized binary search tree data structures use the principle of binary trees formed from a random permutation in order to maintain a balanced binary search tree dynamically as nodes are inserted and deleted.
In computer science, a double-ended priority queue (DEPQ) or double-ended heap is a data structure similar to a priority queue or heap, but allows for efficient removal of both the maximum and minimum, according to some ordering on the keys (items) stored in the structure. Every element in a DEPQ has a priority or value. In a DEPQ, it is possible to remove the elements in both ascending as well as descending order.
In computer science, a min-max heap is a complete binary tree data structure which combines the usefulness of both a min-heap and a max-heap, that is, it provides constant time retrieval and logarithmic time removal of both the minimum and maximum elements in it. This makes the min-max heap a very useful data structure to implement a double-ended priority queue. Like binary min-heaps and max-heaps, min-max heaps support logarithmic insertion and deletion and can be built in linear time. Min-max heaps are often represented implicitly in an array; hence it's referred to as an implicit data structure.
In computer science, an x-fast trie is a data structure for storing integers from a bounded domain. It supports exact and predecessor or successor queries in time O(log log M), using O(n log M) space, where n is the number of stored values and M is the maximum value in the domain. The structure was proposed by Dan Willard in 1982, along with the more complicated y-fast trie, as a way to improve the space usage of van Emde Boas trees, while retaining the O(log log M) query time.
In computer science, a ball tree, balltree or metric tree, is a space partitioning data structure for organizing points in a multi-dimensional space. The ball tree gets its name from the fact that it partitions data points into a nested set of intersecting hyperspheres known as "balls". The resulting data structure has characteristics that make it useful for a number of applications, most notably nearest neighbor search.