Proactive communications

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Proactive communications is a customer relationship lifecycle strategy used to increase customer loyalty. It is related to the organizational psychology term proactivity, which states that individuals should act based on anticipatory behavior rather than reacting to situations. The strategy is used to provide customer care and build credibility through personalized customer management to anticipate common inquiries. It is used to reduce customer frustration and mitigate customer service issues before having the ability to happen. [1]


Proactive communications include opt-in notifications and chats, social media responsiveness and multi-channel contact. [2] The strategy is used during each phase of the customer lifecycle. [3] The goal of proactive customer communications is to anticipate and streamline all interactions to be efficient and personalized for each customer. [4]

Client retention

According to Direct Marketing News, there are three steps to improve customer loyalty through the use of proactive communications: [5]

  1. Develop an understanding of the target audience and provide options for opt-in communications
  2. Tailored communications based on the individual customer's needs
  3. Customer control options for contact

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  1. David Fry (March 14, 2016). "Five Reasons for Proactive Communications". Inside Indiana Business. Retrieved July 6, 2016.
  2. Lauren McKay (October 2010). "Proactive: Take the Initiative". Retrieved July 6, 2016.
  3. "Proactive Customer Communications". Genesys. Retrieved July 6, 2016.
  4. "Proactive Communication". Chron. 21 July 2012. Retrieved July 6, 2016.
  5. Ben Levitan (June 14, 2004). "Improve Customer Loyalty Through Proactive Communications". Direct Marketing News. Retrieved July 6, 2016.

Further reading