Prosodic construction

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A prosodic construction is a temporal configuration of prosodic features that bears meaning. Prosodic features include pitch, intensity, duration, creaky voice, breathy voice, and so on. These can combine in specific patterns to convey meanings and attitudes like contrast, complaint, mockery, losing interest in a topic, assessing something positively, holding the turn, and so on.


Lexically-bound constructions

Many prosodic constructions are associated specific word sequences.

the phrase "tell me about it" said as an ironic rejoinder, implying the speaker already knows from personal experience

For example the phrase tell me about it when used as an ironic rejoinder is typically spoken slowly and with falling pitch, and with an "assertive" initial stress on the word tell. [1] Some instances also include nasality, creaky voice, narrow pitch range after the initial stress, and a late peak on "tell", as heard in the example.

General constructions

knock-knock, as the start of a joke
peek-a-boo, as might be said to an infant

Other prosodic constructions are "general prosodic constructions" that can be "superimposed on" various verbal content. [2] An example is the Minor-Third Construction, a common way to call to get someone's attention, as in Isabel or Excuse me, or to cue some action, as in go for it, knock knock and peek-a-boo in infant-directed speech . [3] In addition to the salient pitch downstep, this construction involves pitch high in the speaker's range; flat pitch before and after the downstep; lengthening, especially on the first syllable; and a clear, highly harmonic voice, as opposed to a creaky or breathy one. [4] As another example, German rhetorical questions, such as wer mag denn Lavendel? (who likes lavender?) can be lexically identical to sincere questions, but often use a prosodic construction with slow speaking rate, breathiness after the first words, and a low final pitch. [5]

See also


  1. Lehmann, Claudia (2024). "Multimodal constructions revisited. Testing the strength of association between spoken and non-spoken features of Tell me about it". Cognitive Linguistics. 35: 407–437.
  2. Claudia Lehmann (2024). "The prosody of irony is diverse and sometimes construction-specific". In Marcel Schlectweg (ed.). Interfaces of Phonetics 38. pp. 281–308.
  3. Fernald, Anne (1989). "Intonation and communicative intent in mothers' speech to infants: Is the melody the message?". Child Development. 6: 1497--1510.
  4. Day-O'Connell, Jeremy (2012). "Speech, song, and the minor third: An acoustic study of the stylized interjection". Music Perception . 30 (5): 450. doi:10.1525/mp.2013.30.5.441.
  5. Jana Neitsch; Oliver Niebuhr (2019). Questions as prosodic configurations: How prosody and context shape the multiparametric acoustic nature of rhetorical questions in German. 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. pp. 2425–2429.