Puerto Rico Young Democrats

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The Young Democrats of America Puerto Rico Chapter is a non-profit political corporation organized pursuant to General Corporate Law of Puerto Rico and duly registered in the Department of State of Puerto Rico.


The organization is the official chapter of the U.S. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico certified by the Young Democrats of America (YDA) and the Democratic Party of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (DPCPR). Its premier purposes are promoting Puerto Rican youth involvement and activism within the United States Democratic Party and representing the island at all YDA national meetings and conventions.


The Young Democrats of Puerto Rico (YDPR) was founded in 2003 by Francisco Domenech a year before the 2004 United States Presidential election between John Kerry and George W. Bush. Amid increased participation of young people on the island and their desire to play a larger role in the national political process, a team of fifteen Puerto Rican young democrats traveled to Florida in the winter of 2004 to campaign for John Kerry.

A month after the 2004 election, the Young Democrats of America's national winter meeting was held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, during which hundreds of young liberals from across the entire nation met to regroup and restrategize after Senator John Kerry lost the 2004 presidential election.

The organization subsequently increased its membership by executing multiple membership recruitment initiatives targeting local colleges and universities in the territory. This led to the creation of the award-winning YDPR College Tour in October 2010. Since then, YDPR have visited numerous college campuses across the island spreading the Democratic Party message and the importance of youth involvement in the national political debate.

Recognized Puerto Rican Democratic leaders such as Secretary of State Kenneth D. McClintock, former Governor Pedro Rosselló, Ricardo Rosselló and the Chairman of the Democratic Party of Puerto Rico, Roberto Prats have participated as guest speakers at the college visits.

In 2008, the chapter actively participated in the Democratic Party primaries between Senator Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama where its members volunteered on both campaigns.

In October 2010, a group of the organization's leadership once again traveled to central Florida to campaign for democratic candidates in the 2010 United States congressional mid term elections. During a span of ten days, the Puerto Rican young democrats volunteered through canvassing, phone banking and mobilizing the Hispanic vote for Congressman Alan Grayson and Gubernatorial candidate Alex Sink.

In July 2011, YDPR were presented with the "YDA Ongoing Event of the Year Award" as a result of the organization's YDPR College Tour initiative at the Young Democrats of America (YDA) National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. [1]

In 2011, Phillip Arroyo was elected to a second term as State President. [2] The organization played a key role during President Obama's visit to the island.

In 2012, YDPR played an important role for the creation of the YDA Hispanic Caucus. In 2012, YDPR President Phillip Arroyo became the first chair of the newly created caucus. Since 2015, Anthony Carrillo, former YDPR National Committeeman, has served as its chair.

Ricardo Alfaro was elected YDPR State President on August 14, 2013. [3] After the 2014 midterm elections, the YDA once again celebrated its national winter meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The meeting included the participation of Governor Alejandro García Padilla, Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi, Puerto Rico Senate President Eduardo Bhatia, the Chairman of the Democratic Party of Puerto Rico Roberto Prats, and YDPR founder Francisco Domenech.

On August 23, 2015, the organization won its second national award by the YDA after receiving the Franklin D. Roosevelt Chapter of the Year Award in Los Angeles, California.

On July 16, 2015, the Young Democrats celebrated one of the most highly attended assemblies in its history with over 200 active members. It was the first time that a closed ballot system was used for the election of the 2015–2017 board. After a highly contested election, Ramón Ortiz won.

On October 1, 2016, Melissa Marzán became acting president after the resignation of Ramón Ortiz.


Aurelio AgelvizPresident
Alexandra M. Meléndez IturrinoVice President
Gabriela FirpiNational Committeewoman
Adriel Jared Vélez TorresNational Committeeman
Yarleen González PeñaTreasurer
Marino Puello RiveraSecretary


Elisa MuñozPresident
Manuel VelezVice President
Gabriela MedinaNational Committeewoman
Simón CarloNational Committeeman
José RoaTreasurer
Aurelio AgelvizSecretary

YDA Puerto Rico Chapter membership elects six state officers biannually at the organization's Convention. [4] The President, National Committeeman, and National Committeewoman are automatic members of the Young Democrats National Committee.


PresidentTermPuerto Rico

Status Affiliation

Aurelio Agelviz2023–CurrentStatehood
Elisa Muñoz2021–2023Statehood
Luis Augusto Martínez2019–2021Statehood
Fernando Sánchez2017–2019Statehood
Melissa Marzán2016–2017Commonwealth
Ramón Ortiz2015–2016Commonwealth
Ricardo Alfaro2013–2015Commonwealth
Phillip Arroyo2009–2013Statehood
Luis Caraballo2007–2009Statehood
Miguel Hernandez Vivoni2005–2007Statehood
Francisco Domenech2003–2005Statehood

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  1. "Democratas reconocen la labor Boricua". www.elnuevodia.com. Retrieved 2016-10-02.
  2. "Juventud Demócrata en Puerto Rico respalda reelección de Barack Obama".
  3. "Popular Democratic Party gains control of the Young Democrats Puerto Rico Chapter" posted on August 15, 2013
  4. "Copo de jóvenes estadista en elección de los Young Democrats". Foro Noticioso (in European Spanish). 2017-06-24. Retrieved 2017-06-30.