Real-time Neutron Monitor Database

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The Real-time Neutron Monitor Database (or NMDB) is a worldwide network of standardized neutron monitors, used to record variations of the primary cosmic rays. The measurements complement space-based cosmic ray measurements.


Unlike data from satellite experiments, neutron monitor data has never been available in high resolution from many stations in real-time. The data is often only available from the individual stations website, in varying formats, and not in real-time. To overcome this deficit, the European Commission is supporting the Real-time Neutron Monitor Database (NMDB) as an e-Infrastructures project in the Seventh Framework Programme in the Capacities section. Stations that do not have 1-minute resolution will be supported by the development of an affordable standard registration system that will submit the measurements to the database via the internet in real-time. This resolves the problem of different data formats and for the first time allows to use real-time cosmic ray measurements for space weather predictions (Steigies, [1] Klein et al. [2] )

Besides creating a database and developing applications working with this data, a part of the project is dedicated to create a public outreach website to inform about cosmic rays and possible effects on humans, technological systems, and the environment (Mavromichalaki et al. [3] )

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  1. Steigies, C. (2009). "NMDB: towards a global neutron monitor database". American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting . 2009: SH51B–1280. Bibcode:2009AGUFMSH51B1280S.
  2. Klein, K. L. (2010). "WWW.NMDB.EU: The real-time Neutron Monitor database". 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly . 38: 3. Bibcode:2010cosp...38.1685K.
  3. Mavromichalaki, H. (2011). "Applications and usage of the real-time Neutron Monitor Database" (PDF). Advances in Space Research . 47 (12): 2210–2222. Bibcode:2011AdSpR..47.2210M. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2010.02.019.