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Recakas (Rechakas) are elements in some classical Indian dance styles that describe the minor variations in the main moves.

Padma Subrahmanyam compares the Recakas with Gamakas of Carnatic music She says that the "Gamakas are the very life of the Raga."

"Recakas impearl the Nritta, make it shine and cause complete aesthetic satisfaction," says Padma Subrahmanyam.

The Pada (feet) Recakas "may utilize the space on the sides, move forward, slip or glide, waver, quiver, shake, proceed, turn away, swerve, sway, get pushed, jerk, slide, raise, lower, draw, release or whirl." Padma Subrahmanyam says that Recakas "cannot be enlisted or enumerated" .

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