The Reformed Churches of Myanmar (RCM) is a small Reformed denomination in Myanmar. It is mainly concentrated in the Chin hills area of Burma. Presently it has 12 congregations in small villages. [1] This denomination is a mission of the Evangelical Reformed Fellowship. The Reformed Churches of Myanmar is a member of the Reformed and Presbyterian Fellowship in Myanmar. [2]
The Confessing Movement is a largely lay-led theologically conservative Christian movement that opposes the influence of theological liberalism and theological progressivism currently within several mainline Protestant denominations and seeks to return those denominations to its view of orthodox doctrine or to form new denominations and disfellowship (excommunicate) them if the situation becomes untenable. Those who eventually deem dealing with theological liberalism and theological progressivism within their churches and denominations as not being tenable anymore would later join or start Confessional Churches and/or Evangelical Churches that continue with the traditions of their respective denominations and maintaining orthodox doctrine while being ecclesiastically separate from the Mainline Protestant denominations. Youth aligned with the Confessing Movement have viewed their project as being an 'Operation Reconquista'.
The American Council of Christian Churches(ACCC) is a fundamentalist organization set up in opposition to the Federal Council of Churches.
The Presbyterian Church of Australia (PCA), founded in 1901, is the largest Presbyterian denomination in Australia. The PCA is the largest conservative, evangelical and complementarian Christian denomination in Australia. The Presbyterian Church of Australia is Reformed in theology and Presbyterian in government.
Protestants in Myanmar make up 5% of that nation's population in 2023. Most Christians are from the minority ethnic groups such as Karen, Lisu, Kachin, Chin, and Lahu. An estimated 0.1% of the Bamar population is Christian.
The Christian Reformed Church in Myanmar is a Reformed church of Myanmar, and was founded in 1985 by Pastor Chan Thleng who was formerly ordained in the Presbyterian Church in Myanmar. He belongs to the Matu tribe in Southern Chin State born in 1954, becoming Christian in 1974. In 1985 he founded the United Christian Church after he graduated from Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, MI. He returned to Burma and changed the denomination's name to the Christian Reformed Church. It has 52 congregations and 13 preaching points with more than 6,000 members. The church is divided into 10 classes. Most of the evangelists work among Buddhist and Animist people. The Church recognizes the Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, Canons of Dort and the Ecumenical Creeds. To train pastors the church founded the Reformed Theological seminary in Yangon in 1997. The college offers a degree of Bachelor of Theology. The Christian Reformed Church maintains a clinic opened in 1999 in Matupi. It belonged to the Reformed Ecumenical Council, the only Burmese denomination to do so. But REC merged with the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, now the Christian Reformed Church is affiliated with the World Communion of Reformed Churches. The denomination held its 26th General assembly on March 17–20, 2011. It entered into official ecclesiastical fellowship with the Christian Reformed Church in North America in 2011.
The Conservative Congregational Christian Conference is a Congregationalist denomination in the United States. It is the most conservative and oldest Congregationalist denomination in America following the dissolution of the Congregational Christian Churches. It is a member of the World Evangelical Congregational Fellowship and the National Association of Evangelicals.
The World Reformed Fellowship (WRF) is an ecumenical, Christian fellowship that advances partnerships among confessional Reformed churches around the world.
Protestants in India are a minority and a sub-section of Christians in India and also to a certain extent the Christians in Pakistan before the Partition of India, that adhere to some or all of the doctrines of Protestantism. Protestants in India are a small minority in a predominantly Hindu majority country, but form majorities in the north-eastern states of Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland. They are also significant minorities in Punjab region, Konkan region, Bengal, Kerala and Tamil Nadu, with various communities in east coast and northern states. Protestants can trace their origins back to the Protestant Revolution of the 16th century. There are an estimated 20 million Protestants and 16 million Pentecostals in India.
The Evangelical Presbyterian Church in South Africa is a Protestant denomination in the Reformed tradition.
The Presbyterian Church of the Philippines (PCP), officially The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of the Philippines, is a growing evangelical, Bible-based Reformed church in the Philippines. It was officially founded by in 1986 and the General Assembly was organized in September 1996.
The Reformed Presbyterian Church in Myanmar is a conservative Reformed denomination in Myanmar.
The Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Myanmar was founded by Reverend Robert Thawm Luai in 1983. Members of this Church were once affiliated with different Christian denominations and churches, eventually seceding due to liberalism, ecumenism and charismatism.
The Evangelical Reformed Church of Myanmar is a Reformed, Christian Church in the country of Myanmar. It holds to the Westminster Confession of Faith
The Costa Rican Evangelical Presbyterian Church was formed in 1985 as the Fraternity of Evangelical Costa Rican Churches. Its original constituent members were five churches in metropolitan San José that separated from the Association of Biblical Churches in Costa Rica (AIBC). The denomination had 1000 members, 12 congregations and three house fellowships in 2004. Now, the denomination includes 24 worship communities. The denomination adopted its current name in 2005.
The Reformed Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Colombia, also known as Reformed Church of Latin America, is a Protestant Reformed denomination, founded in Colombia in 1992, by missionaries from the Presbyterian Church in America.
The Reformed Presbyterian Church in North East India (RPCNEI) is a Christian church based in Manipur. It was established in 1835 by American missionaries including Rev. James R. Campbell who started the work in Saharanpur.
The Reformed and Presbyterian Churches Fellowship in Myanmar (RPCFM) is a national ecumenical organization, bringing together Presbyterian and continental reformed Protestants incorporated in Myanmar.