Reinier Camminga

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Reinier Camminga, achtste potestaat van Friesland Regnerus Cammenga. Potestatum Frisiae Octavus (titel op object) Koningen en Potestaten van Friesland (serietitel) Frisia, sev, de Viris (serietitel op object), RP-P-OB-50.645.jpg

Reinier Camminga (chosen approximately 1300 to 1306) was the ninth potestaat or governor of Friesland now a province of the Netherlands.

Reijner Haijes Camminga was captain when the Danes made an incursion into Oostergo in 1306 because of disputes with the Frisians.

Occo Scarlensis wrote about a drawn-out battle after which the Danes retreated beyond the Lauwers. This battle would have been against Eric VI of Denmark.
