Robert Smith (murderer)

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Robert Colvin Smith
Died12 May 1868
Buccleuch Street Prison, Dumfries, Scotland
Cause of death Execution by hanging
Criminal status Executed
Conviction(s) Murder, Attempted murder
Criminal penalty Death by hanging

Robert Colvin Smith (died 12 May 1868) was the last person to be publicly executed in Scotland.

On 1 February 1868, Smith, a 19-year-old labourer, encountered 9-year-old Thomasina Scott at the home of Jane Crichton in Cummertrees and offered to accompany her to Annan, where her mother had sent her to run an errand. Upon reaching Crofthead Wood, Smith took Scott's money, raped her and then strangled her to death. [1] Two hours later, Crichton came upon Smith returning from the crime scene; fearing she could implicate him, Smith threw her to the ground and attempted to cut her throat, but she managed to escape. A group of men set out after Smith and found Scott's body several miles away. [2]

Smith fled to a boarding house in nearby Dumfries, but was soon found and apprehended after the proprietor reported a man staying with blood on his clothes. A bootlace presumed to have been used to strangle Scott was found in his pocket. [2] Smith was convicted of murder, rape, robbery and attempted murder and sentenced to death by hanging. He was hanged by Thomas Askern on 12 May 1868 at Buccleuch Street Prison (which, coincidentally, had hosted the hanging of Mary Timney, the last woman publicly executed in Scotland, some five years earlier). [3] [4] This was the last execution in Scotland before the Capital Punishment Amendment Act abolishing public executions came into force. [5]

Smith's death mask can be viewed in Dumfries Museum to this day. [4]

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  1. "New Dumfries History Tour Marks Scotland's Last Public Hanging". Dumfries & Galloway! What's Going On?. 10 May 2018. Retrieved 30 March 2022.
  2. 1 2 "1868: Robert Smith, the last publicly executed in Scotland". Executed 12 May 2016. Retrieved 30 March 2022.
  3. "Dumfries: The site of Scotland's last public hanging". BBC News. 12 May 2018. Retrieved 30 March 2022.
  4. 1 2 "Mary Timney: the last woman publicly hanged in Scotland". BBC News . 27 April 2012. Retrieved 12 September 2024.
  5. Clark, Richard. "The ending of public executions in the 19th century". Capital Punishment UK. Retrieved 13 September 2024.