Ruediger Heining

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Ruediger Heining (* 1968 in Bielefeld, West Germany) is a German graduate economist and agricultural scientist. He is considered an expert on vocational education and development in South-West Europe and the Caucasus and from 2017 untill 2022 has been managing director of the DEULA Baden-Wuerttemberg in Kirchheim unter Teck and vice-president of the Bundesverbandes DEULA. (German Training Centre for Agricultural Engineering). [1] [2] [3] [4] Since October 2022, Heining has been managing director of the "Center for Nursing, Social Professions and Volunteering Non-Profit Society mbH" in Maria Bildhausen and in this role is setting up the Barbara Stamm academy.


Life and work

From 1993 Heining studied management, agricultural economics, agricultural politics, operational management and marketing at the University of Hohenheim and obtained his diploma in 1998. Thereafter he studied for a master's degree in international agricultural economics under Franz Heidhues and Juergen Zeddies in Hohenheim. He also studied in the areas of E-learning systems, and an introduction into synchronous and asynchronous E-learning software at the University of Hagen, each time obtaining a graduation certificate.

From 1998 bis 2004 Heining worked as a scientific assistant, firstly at the East European Centre of Hohenheim University, then from 2001 as area head for Eastern Europe at the university's own project enterprise, IBH GmbH, where he was project manager for EU-PHARE, EU-TACIS, EU research projects and EU Twinning Projects, together with responsibility for the implementation of the Leonardo-da-Vinci project (Germany, Slovakia, Romania). Since 2010 he has also been active as an expert for the World Bank (Washington) where he is involved in a project „Quality Management and Customer Orientation in Agricultural Administration“.

Following a number of foreign postings in connection with EU Twinning Projects, he was active at the UNDP in Georgia where worked as a diplomat and Project Manager in setting up a vocational training system. In March 2017 Ruediger Heining took over the management of DEULA Baden-Wuerttemberg and in 2018 became the vice-president of the federal association DEULA e.V. He is also a member of the supervisory body of the German-Romanian Centre for Specialist Training and Continuing Education in Voiteg (Romania).

International engagement

Publications (selection)

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