Samuel Gnanamanickam

Last updated
Samuel S. Gnanamanickam
Born (1945-07-18) 18 July 1945 (age 78)
Nationality Indian
Alma mater
Known forStudies in Plant pathology
Scientific career

Samuel S. Gnanamanickam (born July 18, 1945) is an Indian plant pathologist. [1] He is known for his research on diversity of rice pathogens, molecular breeding of indica rices for disease resistance and for developing superior strains of beneficial strains of rhizosphere bacteria for biological control of rice diseases. He is a fellow of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences [2] and National Academy of Biological Sciences of India [3] and was Chair of the biological control committee at the American Phytopathological Society. [4]


Early life and education

Gnanamanickam was born in Kannanallurr, Tamil Naduu, India, on July 18, 1945. He acquired a bachelor's and master's degree from Agricultural College and Research Institute Coimbatore, India, class 1969, and obtained his PhD degree in Plant Pathology from the University of Hawaiʻi in Honolulu, class 1976. [1] [5] He then earned a postdoctoral fellowship from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and worked for Agri-Food Canada. [6]


Gnanamanickam has been associated with the University of Madras and was professor of plant pathology since 1898. [1] [7] He was also among the visiting scientists and a professor on a Biotechnology Career Fellowship visits to University of Hawaiʻi, Kansas State University, [8] and University of Wisconsin. [1] [9] Since 2004, he has been recognized as an adjunct professor of plant pathology at the University of Arizona, Tucson. [1] [10]

Selected publications




Gnanamanickam is the recipient of the Tamil Nadu Scientist Award. [1]

Related Research Articles

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  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Profile of Dr. Samuel S. Gnanamanickam". Retrieved 2022-02-01.
  2. "National Academy of Agricultural Sciences". Retrieved 2022-02-01.
  3. "NABS India". Retrieved 2022-02-03.
  4. "Contents / Sommaire Volume 52, 2006". Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 52 (12). 2011-02-10. doi:10.1139/w06-901.
  5. Gnanamanickam, Samuel S.; Patil, Suresh S. (1977-03-01). "Accumulation of antibacterial isoflavonoids in hypersensitively responding bean leaf tissues inoculated with Pseudomonas phaseolicola". Physiological Plant Pathology. 10 (2): 159–168. doi:10.1016/0048-4059(77)90019-4. ISSN   0048-4059.
  6. "Principles of Biological Control".
  7. Pandurangan Ranjani, University of Madras; Yaram Gowthami, International Institute of Biotechnology and Toxicology; Samuel, S. Gnanamanickam; Perumal Palani, University of Madras (2018). "Bacteriophages: A New Weapon for the Control of Bacterial Blight Disease in Rice Caused by Xanthomonas oryzae". Korean Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. ISSN   1598-642X.
  9. Patil, Suresh S.; Gnanamanickam, Samuel S. (1976). "Suppression of bacterially-induced hypersensitive reaction and phytoalexin accumulation in bean by phaseotoxin". Nature. 259 (5543): 486–487. Bibcode:1976Natur.259..486P. doi:10.1038/259486a0. ISSN   0028-0836. S2CID   4219301.
  10. "Plant Pathology Seminar Schedule". Retrieved 2022-02-03.