Scilab Image Processing

Last updated
SIP: Scilab Image Processing
Original author(s) Ricardo Fabbri
Developer(s) Lab Macambira team, Zhang Cheng, Ricardo Fabbri, Nivaldo Bondanca, Fernando Gorodscy
Stable release
0.5.6 / August 23, 2011 (2011-08-23)
Written in C, Scilab
Operating system Linux, UNIX, Windows
Type Scilab Toolbox
License GPL

SIP is a toolbox for processing images in Scilab. SIP is meant to be a free, complete, and useful image toolbox for Scilab. Its goals include tasks such as filtering, blurring, edge detection, thresholding, histogram manipulation, segmentation, mathematical morphology, and color image processing.

Though SIP is still in early development it can currently import and output image files in many formats including BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, XPM, and PCX. SIP uses ImageMagick to accomplish this.

SIP is licensed under the GPL.

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