Secular inflation

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Secular inflation is a prolonged period of gentle or mild price increases. [1] Secular, or chronic, inflation is basically creeping inflation that continues to persist over a long period of time. Creeping inflation is the gradual, rather than drastic, increase in prices. [1] Although most commonly used to describe a mild inflation rate, secular inflation can be used to describe most inflation rates that are spread over long periods of time. This type of inflation can be consistent (without many downward movements) or intermittent (occurring at regular intervals). [1]



Friedrich-Karl Lage, the economist credited with coining the term secular inflation, described three causes for secular inflation. These are: outside influences, the wear-and-tear on money-stabilizing institutions, and human conduct. [2] Other factors contributing to secular inflation are production and distribution, as costs of production and investments that take a long time to mature prolong rising prices and inflation rates. [2] A final cause of secular inflation is consumption behavior, especially when people live beyond their means as a result of the Duessenberry effect. [2]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Galloping inflation</span> Inflation that develops at a rapid pace

Galloping inflation is one that develops at a rapid pace, perhaps only for a brief period. Such form of inflation is dangerous for the economy as it mostly affects the middle and low-income classes of population. Importantly, galloping inflation can precipitate an economic depression. Nevertheless, galloping inflation can still be accompanied by real economic growth.

This glossary of economics is a list of definitions of terms and concepts used in economics, its sub-disciplines, and related fields.


  1. 1 2 3 Akrani, Gaurav (9 July 2011). "Types of Inflation in Economics With Examples and Diagram". Kaylan City Life. Archived from the original on 15 November 2011. Retrieved 1 August 2014.
  2. 1 2 3 Asaduzzaman, M. "Secular Inflation by Friedrich-Karl Lage". The Pakistan Development Review. 10 (2): 283–285.