This is an incomplete filmography of Seijun Suzuki .
Year | Title | Japanese | Romanization |
1956 | Victory Is Mine | 港の乾杯 勝利をわが手に | Minato no kanpei: Shori o wagate ni |
Pure Emotions of the Sea | 帆綱は唄う 海の純情 | Hozuna wa utau: Umi no junjo | |
Satan's Town | 悪魔の街 | Akuma no machi | |
1957 | Inn of the Floating Weeds | 浮草の宿 | Ukigusa no yado |
8 Hours' Terror | 8時間の恐怖 | Hachijikan no kyōfu | |
The Naked Woman and the Gun | 裸女と拳銃 | Rajo to kenjū | |
1958 | Underworld Beauty | 暗黒街の美女 | Ankokugai no bijo |
Spring Never Came | 踏みはずした春 | Fumihazushita haru | |
Young Breasts | 青い乳房 | Aoi chibusa | |
Voice Without a Shadow | 影なき声 | Kagenaki koe | |
1959 | Love Letter | らぶれたあ | Rabu retaa |
Passport to Darkness | 暗黒の旅券 | Ankoku no ryoken | |
Age of Nudity | 素っ裸の年令 | Suppadaka no nenrei | |
1960 | Take Aim at the Police Van | 13号待避線より その護送車を狙え | Jūsangō taihisen yori: Sono gosōsha o nerae |
Sleep of the Beast | けものの眠り | Kemono no nemuri | |
0-Line Stowaway | 密航0ライン | Mikkō zero rain | |
Everything Goes Wrong | すべてが狂ってる | Subete ga kurutteru | |
Go to Hell, Hoodlums! | くたばれ愚連隊 | Kutabare gurentai | |
1961 | Tokyo Knights | 東京騎士隊 | Tōkyō naito |
A Hell of a Guy or Living by Karate | 無鉄砲大将 | Muteppō taishō | |
Man with a Shotgun | 散弾銃の男 | Shottogan no otoko or Sandanjū no otoko | |
A New Wind Over the Mountain Pass | 峠を渡る若い風 | Tōge o wataru wakai kaze | |
Blood Red Water in the Channel | 海峡、血に染めて | Kaikyō, chi ni somete | |
Million Dollar Smash and Grab | 百万弗を叩き出せ | Hyakuman doru o tatakidase | |
1962 | Teen Yakuza | ハイティーンやくざ | Hai tiin yakuza |
The Guys Who Put Money on Me | 俺に賭けた奴ら | Ore ni kaketa yatsura | |
1963 | Detective Bureau 23: Go to Hell, Bastards! | 探偵事務所23 くたばれ悪党ども | Tantei jimusho 23: Kutabare akutōdomo |
Youth of the Beast | 野獣の青春 | Yaju no seishun | |
The Bastard | 悪太郎 | Akutarō | |
Kanto Wanderer | 関東無宿 | Kantō mushuku | |
1964 | The Flower and the Angry Waves | 花と怒濤 | Hana to dotō |
Gate of Flesh [1] | 肉体の門 | Nikutai no mon | |
Our Blood Will Not Forgive | 俺たちの血が許さない | Oretachi no chi ga yurusanai | |
1965 | Story of a Prostitute | 春婦伝 | Shunpu den |
Stories of Bastards: Born Under a Bad Star (also known as Born Under Crossed Stars) | 悪太郎伝 悪い星の下でも | Akutarō den: Warui hoshi no shita demo | |
Tattooed Life | 刺青一代 | Irezumi ichidai | |
1966 | Carmen from Kawachi | 河内カルメン | Kawachi Karumen |
Tokyo Drifter | 東京流れ者 | Tōkyō nagaremono | |
Fighting Elegy [2] | けんかえれじい | Kenka erejii | |
1967 | Branded to Kill [3] | 殺しの烙印 | Koroshi no rakuin |
1977 | A Tale of Sorrow and Sadness | 悲愁物語 | Hishū monogatari |
1980 | Zigeunerweisen | ツィゴイネルワイゼン | Tsigoineruwaizen |
1981 | Kagero-za | 陽炎座 | Kagerō-za |
1985 | Capone Cries a Lot | カポネ大いに泣く | Kapone ōi ni naku |
Lupin III: Legend of the Gold of Babylon | ルパン三世 バビロンの黄金伝説 | Rupan sansei: Babiron no ōgon densetsu | |
1991 | Yumeji | 夢二 | Yumeji |
1993 | Marriage: Jinnai-Harada Family Chapter (segment) | 結婚 陣内・原田御両家篇 | Kekkon: Jinnai-Harada goryōke hen |
2001 | Pistol Opera | ピストルオペラ | Pisutoru opera |
2005 | Princess Raccoon | オペレッタ狸御殿 | Operetta Tanuki Goten |
Year | Title | Japanese | Romanization |
1968 | Good Evening Dear Husband "A Duel" | 愛妻くんこんばんは「ある決闘」 | Aisaikun konban wa: Aru kettō |
1969 | There's a Bird Inside a Man | 男の中には鳥がいる | Otoko no naka ni wa tori ga iru |
1970 | A Mummy's Love | 木乃伊の恋 | Miira no koi |
1979 | The Fang in the Hole | 穴の牙 | Ana no kiba |
1980 | Chin Shunshin's The Nail of the Holy Beast | 陳舜臣の神獣の爪 | Chin shushin no shinjū no tsume |
1981 | Storm of Falling Petals: Banner of a Fireman in the Flames | 花吹雪炎に舞う一番纏 | Hana fubuki: Honō ni mau ichiban matoi |
1983 | Cherry Blossoms in Spring aka Seijun's Different Stages of Cherry Blossoms | 春桜 ジャパネスク | Karu sakura japanesuke |
The Choice of a Family: I'll Kill Your Husband For You | 家族の選択・貴方の亭主を殺してあげる | Kazoku no sentaku: Anata no teishu o koroshite ageru | |
1984 | Lupin III Part III | ルパン三世 PartIII | Rupan sansei: Pāto surii (Episode 13) |
Year | Title | Japanese | Romanization | Role | Director |
1975 | I Can't Wait Until Dark! | 暗くなるまで待てない! | Kuraku naru-made matenai! | Kazuki Ōmori | |
1980 | Disciples of Hippocrates | ヒポクラテスたち | Hipokuratesutachi | Mysterious thief | Kazuki Ōmori |
1995 | Cold Fever | n/a | n/a | Grandfather | Friðrik Þór Friðriksson |
1997 | Grass Carp Up a Tree | 樹の上の草魚 | Ki no ue no sōgyo | Hospital director Komine | Atsushi Ishikawa |
1998 | The Story of PuPu | プープーの物語 | Pūpū no monogatari | Old man | Kensaku Watanabe |
Sleepless Town | 不夜城 | Fuyajō | Chi-Ngai Lee | ||
1999 | EM Embalming | エンバーミング | Enbāmingu | Embalmer's assistant | Shinji Aoyama |
2002 | Blessing Bell | 幸福の鐘 | Kōfuku no kane | Old man's ghost | Sabu |
2004 | Hakenkreuz | ハーケンクロイツの翼 | Hākenkuroitsu no tsubasa | Kazuki Katashima | |
2007 | Matouqin Nocturne | 馬頭琴夜想曲 | Batōkin yasōkyoku | Takeo Kimura |