Serafina Cuomo

Last updated
Dr Serafina Cuomo
Born (1966-05-21) May 21, 1966 (age 58)
Education University of Naples (B.A.), University of Cambridge (PhD)

Serafina Cuomo (born May 21, 1966) is an Italian historian and professor at Durham University. Cuomo specialises in ancient mathematics and the history of technology. [1]



Cuomo achieved a bachelor's degree in Philosophy at the University of Naples and received a doctorate in History and Philosophy from the University of Cambridge.


Cuomo has published on topics in ancient mathematics, including computing practices in ancient Rome and the mathematician Pappos, and the history of technology. [2]

Cuomo formerly worked as a speaker at Imperial College London, Birkbeck University of London. Currently, Cuomo works at Durham University at the Department of Classics and Ancient History. [3]

In 2019, Cuomo participated in the EHESS (École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales). [4]


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  1. Dr Serafina Cuomo, Gresham College
  2. Dr Serafina Cuomo, Gresham College
  3. Serafina Cuomo, Centre Alexandre-Koyré
  4. Événements, Groupe de recherches Mathématiques et Histoire, École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
  5. Reviews of Pappus of Alexandria:
  6. Reviews of Ancient Mathematics:
  7. Reviews of Technology and Culture in Greek and Roman Antiquity: